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NAVIS I project

// Database of 150 European ship finds up to AD 1200 (German and English)

NAVIS II project

// Database of ancient ship depictions up to AD 1200


Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology (AIMA)

"is an organisation dedicated to the promotion of maritime archaeology. Based in Australia it has sponsored work throughout Australia, Asia and the Pacific". Публикации, конференции, учебные курсы, новости, ресурсы.


Osterreichische Gesellschaft fur Feuchtboden- und Unterwasserarchaologie Triton

Austria. Judenplatz 1, A-1010 Wien. "Society for wetland- and underwater archaeology. A need to organize underwater archaeology in Austria and promote and conserve underwater archaeology sites is what this society is about. The society is currently inventorying archaeological resources in Austrian waters. The society was recently created in 1999 with a web site still under construction. Several PDF Скачатьable files on Austrian underwater archaeological history, methods, and etc. are available". Исследования, проекты, экскурсии, родственные ресурсы. На нем. яз., англ. версия готовится.


Qendra e Studimeve Detare e Arkeologjise Nenujore (QSDAN)

Centre of Marine and Underwater Archaeology Studies. This is a private non-profit organisation founded in September 2001, located in Durres, co-operating with the Italian universities in Genova, Venezia, Pisa, Bari and Sassari. The president and contact person is a researcher in classical archaeology and can be contacted as below, in Albanian, Italian or English:Adrian Anastasi Via Astengo 4/2 c.a.p. 17100 Savona (SV) Italy Home Tel. ++39-19812158.


Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology

Hampshire & Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology, Room W1/95, Southampton Oceanography Centre, Empress Dock, Southampton SO14 3ZH. Phone 023 8059 3290, Fax 023 8059 3052. "The Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology promotes interest, research and knowledge of maritime archaeology and heritage in Great Britain with core activities concentrated in the counties of Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and the adjacent South Coast areas." Новости, проекты, выставки, исследования, публикации.

Lighthouse Society of Great Britain

Gravesend Cottage, Torpoint, Cornwall, PL11 2LX, UK. Все о маяках, вплоть до предложений продажи.

Scottish Crannog Centre

"This centre is a reconstruction of a lochside dwelling over 2,500 years old. It is based on the excavation results of the Oakbank Crannog located on Loch Tay and was built by the Scottish Trust for Underwater Archaeology (STUA). There is an interesting page describing how the crannog was reconstructed as well as a short page description of a longboat found during the reconstruction".

Society for Underwater Technology (SUT)

SUT, 80 Coleman Street, London, EC2R 5BJ, UK. "The Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) is a multi-disciplinary learned Society bringing together individuals and organisations from more than 40 countries who have a common interest in underwater technology, ocean science and offshore engineering. The SUT was founded in 1966, has members from more than 40 countries, and includes engineers, scientists, other professionals, and students working in these areas". Проекты, публикации, родственные ресурсы, новости, фотогалерея.

Tayside: A Maritime History

"This page is devoted the the nautical heritage and maritime history of Tayside, a region on the east coast of Scotland. The TAMH website allowes the researcher to search for individual voyages and mariners (approximately 3500 records, mostly from the 16th and 17th century) as well as providing more general maritime historical information of this area."

Trireme Trust

"The trireme was the quickest ship in antiquity. It was a hi-tech racer that could exceed 10 knots, chase and sink an enemy with its ram. The hull was a compact special construction of light wood, e g pinetree. During the battle of Salamis in 480 BC the Greeks had 380 ships and defeated the Persian navy of 600 ships. About half of the Greek navy may have been triremes." Любительское объединение - постройка копий античных трирем. Библиография, родственные ресурсы.

Underwater Science Group (USG)

80 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5BJ, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 207 382 2601, Fax: +44 (0) 207 382 2684. "The USG is made up of professional scientists, students, and others with an interest in diving and underwater science in areas such as marine biology, oceanography, geology, underwater archaeology and photography. This role was played by the Underwater Association until its demise in 1991; its interests have since been maintained by the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT)". Базы данных, сотрудники, исследования, проекты, родственные ресурсы.


Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Unterwasserarchäologie e.V. (DEGUWA)

A concern for the destruction of archaeological sites, wrecks, and etc. in German waters through looters, development, and erosional means is a major impetus for this society to make the general public aware of the need for cultural conservation, study of underwater cultural remains. There is much ifnormation at this site concerning projects, publications, contacting DEGUWA, links, and more. They offer training through the NAS in underwater archaeological training. Новости, проекты, публикации, учебные курсы, родственные ресурсы.

Landesverband für Unterwasserarchäologie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

"Infos und Links zu den mit Unterwasserarchäologie befaßten Organisationen in M.V." Новости, проекты, исследования, фотогалерея.


Trireme Trust

"The trireme was the quickest ship in antiquity. It was a hi-tech racer that could exceed 10 knots, chase and sink an enemy with its ram. The hull was a compact special construction of light wood, e g pinetree. During the battle of Salamis in 480 BC the Greeks had 380 ships and defeated the Persian navy of 600 ships. About half of the Greek navy may have been triremes." Любительское объединение - постройка копий античных трирем. Библиография, родственные ресурсы.


Anglo-Danish Maritime Archaeological Team (ADMAT)

ADMAT Registered Office:12 Penners Gardens, Langley Road, Surbiton. Surrey. KT6 6JW. England. Phone +44 (0)20-8399-1284, Mobile 44-07951-580-610. ADMAT for short, is a Specialist Maritime Volunteer Archaeological Organisation. A.D.M.A.T is a non-profit educational organisation. Our aims are: To conduct maritime archaeology in the Caribbean and Latin America, assisting governments to survey and protect their underwater cultural heritage; To assist volunteer students to take part in maritime archaeological field excavations and surveys; To protect the European Underwater Maritime Cultural Heritage. We survey, record and advise on how to protect, shipwrecks form the old European empires. Осуществляет проекты в Южной Америке, в т.ч. Доминиканской республике.

Centre for maritime and regional history

Niels Bohrs Vej 9, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark. Tel. +45 6550 4150, Fax: +45 6550 1091. - Сотрудники, исследования, новости.


Society for Underwater Exploration

"The Franck Goddio Society sponsors search and excavation projects around the world aimed at finding and recovering or preserving underwater shipwrecks and other underwater sites of special historical and cultural significance. The Society also informs and involves the general public through televison, the World Wide Web, books, exhibitions etc. around the explorations of Franck Goddio who is best known for discovering the ancient royal city of Alexandria and Napoleon's lost fleet in the Bay of Aboukir. He has found more than ten historically valuable sunken ships." Новости, события, проекты (Александрия, флот Наполеона).

Sunken Lighthouse of Alexandria

"In 1995 a French archaeological team discovered on of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the ruins of the Pharos lighthouse of Alexandria. The remains of this lighthouse, along with many fascinating Egyptian statues and other artifacts, were offshore the modern city of Alexandria in Egypt. This webpage, sponsored by Nova, overviews the project, its tools and technology, methodology, and archaeological "treasures." Исследования и находки.



Leon Recanati Center for Maritime Studies

University of Haifa. "The Institute for Maritime Studies at the University of Haifa was established in 1972. Guided by an interdisciplinary attitude, the Institute promotes and conducts research projects which encompass man's activities relating to the sea, bringing to light what was known in the past, man's involvement in the present and what man can accomplish by using in the future. By combining disciplines, such as history, archaeology, earth sciences and marine resources, the Center has found a way of bridging between Humanities, Sciences and Technology." Сотрудники, проекты, экспедиции.

Underwater Excavations of Sebastos: King Herod's Harbor

"The ancient harbor at Caesarea, Israel is located on the Mediterranean coast midway between Tel Aviv and Haifa near the Kibbutz Sdot Yam (34 deg 53.5 min E 32 deg 30.5 min N). The harbor was commissioned and built by Herod the Great in 21 BC.. This site was constructed by Eduard G. Reinhardt. Iwould like to thank Derek Threinen, Jana Owen and Heather Devine for their input." Краткое описание исследовательского проекта.


Centre d'Arqueologia Subaquatica de Catalunya (CASC)

Pedret 95, 17007 Girona, Spain. Tel. +34-972-20 66 31, Fax. +34-972-21 04 54.


Progect Rafaello

Centro Regionale per la Progettazione e il Restauro e per le Scienze Naturali ed Applicate ai Beni Culturali, Via Olanda, 21/c, 90146 PALERMO, Italy. Tel. +39-91-6905254 & 6905111, Fax +39-91-525532. "The main aim of this project is the rise of a network between various institutions dealing with underwater archaeological research, conservation as well as with historical underwater heritage protection and turistic management. We intend select some underwater areas and survey them in order to build some real underwater tours." Подробное описание проекта на итал. яз.


Nautical Archaeology Society (NAS)

Level 1, 2 or 3 certification course offered through Save Ontario Shipwrecks (S.O.S.) Краткая информационная страничка.

Ontario Marine Heritage Committee (OMHC)

"The OMHC was formed in 1975 by a local group of divers and historians. One of the organization's first projects was the study of the Hope Island Wreck, eventually indentified as the Marquette. Since then the group has worked on, monitored, and recorded a number of other shipwrecks and maritime sites in the Great Lakes." Небольшая информационная страничка.

Underwater Archaeological Society of British Columbia (UASBC)

c/o Vancouver Maritime Museum, 1905 Ogden Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6J 1A3. "We are one of the largest avocational, underwater archaeological organizations in Canada. For 25 years we have been undertaking the nearly all of the underwater archaeology in BC. Use the buttons on the left to navigate your way through our site. Use the buttons on the top to get the details." Исследования, лекции, публикации, конференции.


Sultan’s Lost Treasure

"Part of the Nova Online series, this website was produced to compliment the television programme Sultan’s Lost Treasure. “The programme follows an expedition to recover thousands of porcelain and other artefacts from a centuries-old Chinese shipwreck off the coast of Brunei.” Information onsite includes ancient Chinese explorers; Asia’s undersea archaeology; Chinese porcelain; and a quiz which involves dating specific porcelain items and requires macromedia flash plug-in software. There are links to other sites, a transcript of the broadcast and resources for teachers."


Nederlands Instituut voor Scheeps en Onderwaterarcheologie (ROB / NISA)

and Rijksmuseum voor Scheepsarcheologie, Postbus 510, NL-8200 AM Lelystad. Tel +31-320-269700, Fax +31-320-269750. Investigations headed by Thijs J. Maarleveld. "NISA, the Nederlands Instituut voor Scheeps - en onderwaterArcheologie, is the government agency in the Netherlands that deals with shipwrecks and underwater archaeological sites. A specifically maritime section of the ROB, or State Service for Archaeological Investigations in the Netherlands, NISA was established originally during the ambitious land reclamation projects which partitioned the Zuiderzee, making the sea dry land, and exposed a profusion of shipwrecks from all time periods." Публикации, исследования, новости.

Новая Зеландия



SSBA at San Pedro de Alcantara fieldwork 1999

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. Отчет о работах в San Pedro de Alcantara (Перу) с илл.



Античная подводная археология Северного Причерноморья

"Наш проект посвящен научной деятельности российского подводного археолога, проф. и энтузиаста - Вячеслава Таскаева."

Научно-производственное предприятие "Форт-М"

115487, Москва, ул. Нагатинская, 16а. Обследование акваторий на заказ.

НПО 'Лаборатория К'

"Леонид Гаврилов, руководитель лаборатории НПО "Лаборатория К", продюсер и координатор научно-исследовательских проектов. Является экспертом-консультантом в научных, исследовательских и международных экспедициях. Исследователь, путешественник. Вып.ник двух институтов: Московского института Электроники и Математики и ВАВТ, аспирант института Океанологии по теме "Подводные исследования системами синтетического видения и анализ артефактов при подводной видеосъемке". Имеет диплом подводного археолога Александрийского университета республики Египет и диплом дайвера-спасателя PADI. Участник оргкомитета международной выставки "Адреналин и Action", руководитель НПО "Лаборатория К", научно производственного объединения, объединяющего российских исследователей различных специальностей. НПО является исследовательским центром. Основная специализация - видеопроизводство, научные исследования, участие в исследовательских и поисковых экспедициях.

Кроме основной специализации НПО "Лаборатория К" организовывала и продолжает проводить такие исследовательские экспедиции загадочных мест планеты, таких как озеро Нонг-Кай в Таиланде, подводные исследования совместно с Александрийским университетом 7-го чудо света - Фаросского маяка, поисковые экспедиции геоглифов в Тунисе и Алжире, биологические исследование подземного озера в Китае, принимает участие Лаборатория экспедиции по поиску Алтайского и Витимского космического тела, подземного озера на китайском острове Хайнань, российского озера Бросно, подводных исследований на
Тайване, подводных площадок под археологические работы в Краснодарском крае и на Украине.

Группа инициировала и проводит поиски колоколов, принадлежащих церкви Павло-Посадского района (настоятель Дионисий Тонков). Группа работает со специалистами различных областей знания. Проводит исследования методик, приглашает специалистов-аналитиков, экспертов в области прогнозирования, проводит поиск археологических объектов, поиск мест падения упавших космических тел(метеориты), участвует в поисковых программах КМЕТ (Комитета
по метеоритам). Созданная в 2007 году НПО Лаборатория К на базе мобильной группы ОНИОО "Космопоиск" специалистами Леонидом Гавриловым, Александром Соленым и Александром Пушкаревым группа получила благословление представителями Российского духовенства."

Проект "Ивлия" (Одиссея-2004)

Агбунов М., Гончарук П. "В 1989 г. авторами проекта была построена первая "Ивлия", на которой были совершены пять международных комплексных экспедиций. Следуя маршрутами античных мореходов, корабль преодолел более 3000 морских миль, посетил более 50 европейских портов.. В Одессе К. - 2004 г. планируется построить реплику греческого двухъярусного парусно-гребного корабля и совершить на нем плавание по Черному и Средиземному морям." .

Проект "Славия"

Реконструкция древнерусской ладьи. "В июле 2002 г. на Ладожском озере проходила научно-исследовательская экспедиция "Древности Ладоги". В ее ходе группа историков и энтузиастов, совершила плавание вокруг Ладожского озера на деревянном парусном судне "Славия".

Фонд подводных археологических исследований имени В.Д. Блаватского

Создан в Москве при содействии ИА РАН и клуба "Акванавт".


"8-пушечный фрегат был построен в 1703 г. по проекту, сделанному Петром I вскоре после возвращения из Англии и Голландии." История корабля и постройки его копии.


Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology (ACUA)

"The Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology has been at the forefront of underwater archaeology for over 35 years. Its genesis was in 1959, but it was born at a meeting in 1963 when a group of archaeologists, historians, and sport divers met in St. Paul, Minnesota for the first International Conference on Underwater Archaeology. That auspicious beginning eventually led to the ACUA becoming a standing committee of the Society for Historical Archaeology and a merging of our annual conferences". Сотрудники, новости, исследования, обучение и т.п.

Alaska SeaLife Center

301 Railway Avenue, P.O. Box 1329, Seward, AK 99664 USA. Phone 907.224.6300, Phone Toll Free 1.800.224.2525, Fax 907.224.6320. "The Alaska SeaLife Center is a non-profit marine science facility dedicated to understanding and maintaining the integrity of the marine ecosystem of Alaska through research, rehabilitation and public education. The Center's research and rehabilitation facilities and naturalistic exhibits immerse visitors in the dynamic marine ecosystems of Alaska". Исследования, обучение.

American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS)

430 Nahant Road, Nahant, MA 01908 USA, phone (781) 581-7370 ext 334, fax (781) 581-6076. "The AAUS was organized in 1977 and incorporated in California, USA in 1983. The AAUS was organized in 1977 to petition OSHA for an exemption to standards for commercial diving. In 1982, a final ruling grantedexempt status for Scientific Diving Certification and Operation of Scientific Diving Programs which is widely recognized as the "standard" of the scientific diving community". Условия членства, конференции, исследования, публикации.

Archaeology and Maritime History at NOAA

NOAA's National Marine Sanctuaries, 1305 East-West Highway, 11th Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Phone (301) 713-3125, Fax (301) 713-0404. "Welcome to the National Marine Sanctuary Program web site. Here you'll find information about our nation's marine sanctuaries - their history and current management, their scientific and educational programs, and their continuing efforts to conserve our nation's ocean and coastal treasures". Новости, исследования, обучение, публикации. Поиск по ключевому слову "археология" - 15 ссылок.

Aucilla River Prehistory Project (ARPP)

"The ARPP is an ongoing archaeological/paleontological underwater excavation that has been conducted for over ten years by the Florida Museum of Natural History and the University of Florida. The ARPP is internationally recognized for its contributions towards a greater understanding of human and animal interaction in late Pleistocene Florida. Each season of diving the cool, murky depths of the Aucilla River (near Tallahassee, FL) uncovers substantial new evidence of human, animal, and plant life spanning the past 30,000 years." Виртуальная выставка, родственные ресурсы.

Eastland Disaster Historical Society

История корабля, исследования, находки.

Historical Research & Development, Inc.

Подводные исследования у берегов Флориды.

Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA)

P.O. Drawer HG College Station, TX 77841-5137, USA. "Founded in 1972, the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) is a nonprofit scientific/ educational organisation with the purpose of increasing "knowledge of the evolution of civilizations through the location and excavation of submerged or buried ships, submerged ruins, and their associated artifacts, and dissemination of the knowledge gained therefrom." The site provides a history of INA and details of its work. This includes: details of INA's field projects; a virtual museum of nautical archaeology which examines INA's projects (such as: excavations of the eleventh-century Glass Wreck; the sunken city of Port Royal, Jamaica; an Iberian ship on Molasses Reef in the Turks and Caicos Islands); publications and membership details; INA photographic services; and links to supporting institutions and related sites. An index of the publication INA Quarterly is available for the years 1974-1996 and selected back issues are available as PDF files, requiring an Adobe Acrobat Reader." Сотрудники, направления деятельности, виртуальный музей, родственные ресурсы и многое другое.

Key Largo, Florida: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS)

USA, May 7-23, 2002. "Documentation of submerged cultural and biological resources within the FKNMS with the emphasis on the ecology of coral reefs. Investigation of historic shipwrecks, including the 1942 Benwood, 1733 San Felipe and San Pedro, the 18th century Spanish Anchor, and other significant sites. Our research in Florida focuses on park development and documentation, assessment, and monitoring of dive sites frquented by divers in the Keys. Indiana University has been instrumental in the development of San Pedro Underwater Archaeological Preserve and assisted NOAA in establishment of the Shipwreck Trail."

National Underwater and Marine Agency (NUMA)

USA, Austin, Texas. "The National Underwater and Marine Agency (NUMA) is a non-profit, volunteer foundation dedicated to preserving our maritime heritage through the discovery, archaeological survey and conservation of shipwreck artifacts." Экспедиции, исследования, публикации.

Nautical Archaeology Program at Texas A&M University (NAP)

США, Техас, "is the academic degree-granting graduate program at TAMU. Information on the program and the research laboratories is provided in the web pages below, which are maintained by the faculty/staff. The Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) is a non-profit private research institute affiliated with TAMU and is closely integrated with NAP. The web pages maintained by INA present the array of research conducted by INA and NAP." Программы, проекты и исследования, реставрационная лаборатория.

Nauticus, the National Maritime Center

One Waterside Drive, Norfolk, VA 23510, USA. Phone (757) 664-1000, 800-664-1080, Fax (757) 623-1287. "The National Maritime Center located on the downtown waterfront in Norfolk, Virginia. Home to the Battleship Wisconsin, Nauticus is an exciting 120,000 square-foot science and technology center exploring the power of the sea". Обучение, выставки, подписка на рассылку.

Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society

USA. P. O. Box 9731, Seattle, Washington 98109-9731, (206) 624-3028. "The Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society is here to help you learn about the maritime heritage of the Pacific Northwest. Membership in the Society is open to anyone interested in our Maritime History. The Society's purpose isto collect, preserve and display maritime historical objects, relics and data with particular emphasis on the Pacific Northwest". Публикации, модели, фотогалерея, родственные ресурсы.

Texas A&M's Conservation Research Laboratory

"Their web site contains a series of conservation reports which document the laboratory treatment of these fascinating artifacts, including the ship's hull itself." Проекты, исследования, родственные ресурсы.

The UW Quaternary Isotope Laboratory - University of Washington

Небольшая информационная страничка, родственные ресурсы



Black Sea Trade Project

University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology presents. "The Black Sea Trade Project is an interdisciplinary study of trade systems in the Black Sea over the past 5,000 years and their effects on local cultures and economies. The project focuses on the hinterland and port of Sinop (ancient Sinope), an important Greek and Roman colony at the midpoint of the Turkish Black Sea coast.” Included on the site is an historical and archaeological overview of Sinop, results of surveys, journal articles, and reports in the news about the project." Подводные исследования в Синопе с 1996 г. Здесь же бибилиография и подственные ресурсы.

Bronze Age Shipwreck Excavation at Uluburun

Project Directors: Cemal Pulak and George F. Bass. "Provided here are details of a shipwreck excavation at Uluburun, near Kas in southern Turkey, between 1984 and 1994. The wreck, Canaanite or Cypriot, contained one of the wealthiest and largest known collections of Late Bronze Age items found in the Mediterranean. There is a map of the site, a bibliography, and images of artefacts found. These pages are part of the website of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA)."

Institute of Nautical Archaeology in Bodrum

"The Institute of Nautical Archaeology has been surveying and excavating in the Mediterranean - especially in Turkey - since 1973. Although, Dr. George F. Bass started working in Turkish waters back in 1960." Проекты, исследования, фотогалерея, артефакты, консервация, родственные ресурсы.



Departement des recherches archeologiques subaquatiques et sous-marines (DRASSM)

Fort Saint-Jean, F-13235 Marseille Cedex 02. Tel: +33-91 14 28 00, Fax: +33-91 142814, Directeur Jean-Luc Massy, conservateur general du patrimoine. "The Office for Undersea Archeological Research was founded in 1966 by André Malraux, and was renamed Department for Underwater and Undersea Archeological Research on 4 January 1996. It is a national service located in Marseilles and Annecy, and is a division of the Heritage Organization (sub-division of archeology) of the Ministry of Culture. Its aim is to manage all subaquatic and submarine archeological activities." Исследования, лаборатории, музеи.

Groupe de Recherche en Archeologie Navale (GRAN)

"Association vouée à l'archéologie sous-marine, l'histoire maritime et au patrimoine culturel maritime. A non profit Association devoted to underwater archaeology, maritime history and maritime cultural heritage." Исследования, публикации, маршруты для дайверов.

Institut francais de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (IFREMER)

Портал. Поиск по слову "archaeology" дал 10 названий.

L'Archeologie sous les mers

French Ministry of Culture - Underwater Archeology. На англ., франц. и арабск. яз. Исследования, оборудование, новости.



Copper Galt Project

"This webpage details an ongoing project in lake Stora Aspan, Sweden. According to local legend, the nearby villagers of Skog, who participated in the local copper mining industry, had created a massive copper ingot or "Galt" which was lost to the depths when transported over the frozen surface of the lake in the late 17th century." Небольшая информационная страничка.

Sture Hultqvist's Sonar Project

"Sture Hultquist, from Uppsala, Sweden, has built his own side-scan sonar system and this webpage documents his field tests and wreck discoveries. The page includes some detailed sonar images, generated from 1996 to the present, of a variety of shipwrecks in Swedish waters and elsewhere." Исследования с 1996 г., родственные ресурсы.


Port Royal Project

"Once known as the 'Wickedest City on Earth,' Port Royal on the island of Jamaica was one of the largest towns in the English colonies during the late 17th century. It was a haven for privateers and pirates, such as the famed Sir Henry Morgan, due to its excellent geographic location in the middle of the Caribbean. From Port Royal, these buccaneers preyed upon and plundered the heavily laden treasure fleets departing from the Spanish Main." История, археологические исследования, в т.ч. и подводные.


Kyusyu and Okinawa Society for Underwater Archaeology

"Ancient ruins offer a lot of new information to the study of history by the archaeological excavations. However, most of people do not seem to know such ruins exist at the bottom of the lakes and the sea; there are for instance villages submerged at the lakes by the crustal movement and sunken ships. Because of the remarkable development of the diving equipments, it comes to be able to move freely in water recently. If these ruins disappear by the development works and etc, the archaeological excavations which have been done on land should apply in water." Проекты и исследования, на англ. и яп. яз.

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