ШвецияВы находитесь: Археология.PУ / Подводная археологияВ этом разделе: Обзоры | Австралия | Австрия | Албания | Аргентина | Бельгия | Болгария | Бразилия | Великобритания | Германия | Греция | Дания | Доминиканская республика | Египет | Израиль | Индия | Ирландия | Исландия | Испания | Италия | Канада | Кипр | Киргизия | Китай | Колумбия | Коста-Рика | Латвия | Литва | Малайзия | Мексика | Нидерланды | Новая Зеландия | Норвегия | Оман | Пакистан | Панама | Перу | Польша | Португалия | Россия | Румыния | США | Таиланд | Тунис | Турция | Украина | Уругвай | Финляндия | Франция | Хорватия | Швейцария | Швеция | Эстония | ЮАР | Ямайка | Япония ОбзорыNordic underwater archaeology"Sweden. If you like history and scuba diving, this is for you. The Baltic Sea, in Northern Europe, is a cold brackish sea where wood is preserved for centuries. Many sunken ships still wait to be discovered. This site is mostly about Northern Europe." Список ресурсов по странам мира с аннотациями по странам и темам: музеи, общества, проекты, литература и др. Виртуальный музей. На шведск. и англ. яз. ПубликацииЕkesson P. Fluit Anna-Maria// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. -1998 г. Adams J. NAS Training System// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. - 1999. Bass G.F. The Men Who Stole the Stars// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. "In 1979, Peter Stanford, editor of Sea History asked George Bass if he would write an article on the difference between archaeology and treasure hunting. Bass began a letter of response, and in the middle began to turn the letter into a short story to make his point. Since Sea History, that part of his letter has now been published in several other American and Dutch magazines as “The Men Who Stole the Stars.” Except for substituting the word “stars” for “shipwrecks,” everything in the story is based on fact." Cederlund C.O Marine Archaeology and Scuba Diving in Sweden - A Case of Cooperation and Polarity// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. Maarleveld T.J. Between frugality and eclecticism - management of an archaeological cornucopia// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. First published in AIMA Bulletin 17.2, 1993. - Статья с илл. Maarleveld T.J. Maritime archaeology - What is at issue in northern Europe// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. Lecture given at the Interim Conference of the International Council of Maritime Museums (ICMM) at Roskilde, Denmark, on 5 September 2000, by Thijs J. Maarleveld. Mayol D.E. Swedish Ship Vasa's Revival// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. - 1996. Monteiro P. My quest against treasure hunting// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. - 1998 г. Nilsson T. Mast Wreck// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. "Five kilometres east of Gamla Oxelöund at the Bråviken Bay, off the eastern coast of Sweden, there is a remarkable wreck at about 90 feet or 30 meters of depth. The wreck was discovered during a 1992-94 wreck survey project. It is believed to be a merchant vessel, and has been dated to the first half of the 18th century. It is remarkably well preserved, and the main mast is still standing (hence its name). This webpage presents an abstract, in English, of the original Swedish report, and contains images of artifacts, diving activities, and a computer reconstruction of the vessel." Заметка с илл. - 1999 г. Williams S. Marx is the Name, Treasure's the Game// UNESCO Sources. - February 1997. "Bob Marx, the world’s most successful treasure hunter, is a man marine archaeologists love to hate: a reason in his own right, they would say, for a convention protecting underwater heritage. Williams S. Underwater Heritage, a Treasure Trove to Protect// UNESCO Sources. - February 1997.
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