ЕвропаВы находитесь: Археология.PУ / Археологическая периодикаВ этом разделе: Интернациональные издания | Страны СНГ | Америка | Великобритания | Германия | Дания | Европа | Ирландия | Польша | Чехия | Другие страны AnistoritonГреция. "Anistoriton is an electronic Journal of History, Archaeology and ArtHistory. It is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December since 1997 and it is freely available on the Internet. Submissions are peer-reviewed by specialists in the relevant field and/or topic as well as by the Editorial Board." Статьи и заметки on-line с Vol. 1/1997. ArachnionИталия. "A Journal of Ancient Literature and History on the Web, Italy." Тексты on-line с №1.1 (May 1995). Archaeologia BALTICAKlaipėda. Archaeologia BALTICA 15 (2011,1); Archaeologia BALTICA 14 (2010,2); Archaeologia BALTICA 13 (2010,1); Archaeologia BALTICA 12 (2009,3); Archaeologia BALTICA 11 (2009,2); Archaeologia BALTICA 10 (2009,1); Archaeologia BALTICA 9 (2008,1); Archaeologia BALTICA 8 (2007,1); Archaeologia BALTICA 7 (2006,2); Archaeologia BALTICA 6 (2006,1) European Journal of Archaeology (EJA)"The EJA (published from 1993 to 1997 as the Journal of European Archaeology, vols 1-5) seeks to promote open debate amongst archaeologists committed to a new idea of Europe in which there is more communication across national frontiers and more interest in interpretation. The journal accepts not only new empirical data and new interpretations of the past but also encourages debate about the role archaeology plays in society, how it should be organized in a changing Europe, and the ethics of archaeological practice. All periods are covered; papers, review articles, interviews and short 'debate' pieces are all sought." Оглавления с 1993 г. Fennoscandia archaeologicaФинляндия. Вып.I-XXVIII. 1984-2011 гг. *pdf . Published annually by The Archaeological Society of Finland since 1984. The aim of this publication is to encourage discussion within the discipline and to improve the standard of archaeological research by contacts on the interdisciplinary and international levels. Forum AchaeologiaeАвстрия. "Zeitschrift für klassische Archäologie, Austria." Содержание с Ausgabe 1/XI/96. KernosБельгия. "Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque ancienne." Оглавления номеров и приложений Main Lithuanian Archaeological LiteratureСкачать презентацию *ppt Préhistoire QuercinoiseФранция. "L'Association Préhistoire Quercinoise a été fondée en 1984. Elle comprend plusieurs centaines de membres, professionnels et amateurs, répartis sur tout le territoire français et męme la Communauté Européenne." Резюме статей с №4 за 1997 г. Romanian Journal of Archaeology// Including the articles "Observations concerning the bronze Age cemetery of Pietroasa Mica" by I. Motzoi-Chicideanu and "Problems of the late Otomanic Culture in Transsylvania" TRACCE"On Line Rock Art Bulletin by Societa Cooperativa Archeologica Le Orme dell'Uomo. Cerveno." Содержание и резюме статей с №1, 1996, January - on-line, на итал. яз.
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