ЕвропаВы находитесь: Археология.PУ / Археологические организацииВ этом разделе: Обзоры | СНГ | Европа | Великобритания | Германия | Польша | Северная Америка | Другие страны | Учебные курсы AustriaBelgiumUniversité Catholique de Louvain, Department of Archaeology and Art HistoryНа франц. яз. Сотрудники, основные исследования, учебные курсы и публикации. CzechDenmarkInstitut for Arkæologi og Etnologi - Copenhagen UniversityInstitut for Arkæologi og Etnologi, Vandkunsten 5, 1467 København K. Denmark. Tlf: +45 35 32 41 00, Fax: +45 35 32 41 05. GreeceIrelandCork University College, Archaeology Dept, IrelandСотрудники, археологические курсы, экскурсия по графству Корк, родственные ресурсы, ТД по доистории Ирландии. Phone 353 21 4904048, fax 353 21 4272127. National University of Ireland, Archaeology DeptGalway. Telephone: 091-524411 Extension 2167, Fax: 091-525700. - Сотрудники, исследования (в т.ч. ландшафтная археология и палеометаллургия), публикации, обзор книжных новинок. NetherlandsLeiden University - Faculteit der ArcheologiePostbus 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, Visitors: Reuvensplaats 4, Gebouw 1176, Secretary: Room 001/116, Tel. 0031-71-5272411, 0031-71-5272390, Fax 0031-71-5272429. "The Faculty of Archaeology is one of the eight faculties of University Leiden and the only Faculty of Archaeology in the Netherlands. The Faculty exists formally since September 1997 and is situated in the Archaeological Center, on the Reuvensplaats. Many different research and teaching specialisations are united in the Faculty, from Prehistory of Europe, Mediterranean (Classical) Archaeology, Amerindian Cultures, Near Eastern Archaeology until Archaeological Sciences. In 1987 the Faculty received its own propaedeuse. Since September 2002 University Leiden switched, like other European universities to a Bachelor/Master programme. With the links below you can find information about the Faculty, education, research and publications, and also information for students, alumni and staff." Сотрудники, учебные курсы, публикации. Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek (ROB)Археологические памятники, в т.ч. Мальта, публикации, сотрудники. University of Leiden - Faculteit der Archeologie"The Faculty of Archaeology is one of the eight faculties of University Leiden and the only Faculty of Archaeology in the Netherlands. The Faculty exists formally since September 1997 and is situated in the Archaeological Center, on the Reuvensplaats. Many different research and teaching specialisations are united in the Faculty, from Prehistory of Europe, Mediterranean (Classical) Archaeology, Amerindian Cultures, Near Eastern Archaeology until Archaeological Sciences. In 1987 the Faculty received its own propaedeuse. Since September 2002 University Leiden switched, like other European universities to a Bachelor/Master programme. With the links below you can find information about the Faculty, education, research and publications, and also information for students, alumni and staff." Сотрудники, учебные курсы, публикации. NorwaySerbiaSlovakiaSpainUniversity of Madrid, Dept of Prehistory and ArchaeologyFacultad Filosofнa y Letras. Carretera de Colmenar Viejo, Km, 15. Cantoblanco. 28049-Madrid, Spain. Tel. 397 46 00. Fax 397 44 35. - Сотрудники, курсы, публикации, исследования. SweеdenSwitzelandInstitut für prähistorische und naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie (IPNA)Basel University. Исследования, сотрудники, родственные ресурсы, новости.
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