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Русский пер. "Этот кодекс действует на территории Англии и Уэльса, отдельный кодекс подготовлен для Северной Ирландии. Версию кодекса на уэльсском языке можно получить по запросу в Департаменте по делам культуры, средств массовой информации и спорта."

Ancient Sites Directory

"A Guide To Ancient Monuments Around The United Kingdom. The countryside of the UK is endowed with an incredible wealth of prehistoric structures. Some are famous, others obscure and difficult to find. Many are under threat from vandalism, land development and pollution. The objective of these pages is to heighten awareness of the prehistoric past that surrounds us and in doing so help to protect this precious gift of our ancestors. The author has personally visited all of the prehistoric sites featured on these pages, photographed them and recorded his thoughts. Directions and grid references are given for each featured site enabling the reader to find them and reach their own conclusions."

Archaeology Data Service

"The ADS's map-based interface offers two different access points - either through a traditional county map of Britain and Ireland, or a "density map" which shows the numbers of records in different areas. One click on either zooms down to local map that is 30km by 30km in size. Users can select the size of the area to search on this local map, then simply click on the location that interests them - whether that is a town or village they live in, or a place that interests them." The map based interface is intuitive and provides rapid results. Поиск археологической информации о Великобритании по ключевым словам и территориям.

British & Irish archaeological Bibliography (BIAB)

On-line база данных публикаций 1695-1992 гг. , выходные данные и выборочно краткие аннотации, родственные ресурсы.

Cambridge Archaeology

"Archaeology information for Cambridgeshire, England, and particularly the Cambridge area, plus guides to British and International web sites dealing with Archaeology. All periods Prehistoric (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age), Iron Age, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, Post Medieval."

English Heritage Archaeology Division

"As the national archaeology service for England, we set standards, promote innovation and provide detailed archaeological knowledge on the historic environment. This work includes the discovery and analysis of new sites from the air and on the ground, recording and researching the history of landscapes and developing techniques for geophysical survey, technological analysis and dating. We also implement the statutory protection of England's 18,300 Scheduled Monuments." Подразделения, исследования, новости, публикации.

Internet Archaeology (IntArch)

Рассылка. Археология Великобритании и применение компьютеров в археологии.

Portable Antiquities Scheme

Английская база данных древностей, найденных при помощи металлодетекторов. Более полумиллиона находок.

Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS)

"The RCAHMS was established to gather information and materials on the sites, monuments and buildings of Scotland's heritage. Information gathered during archaeological, architectural and aerial surveys are compiled and transferred to the National Monuments Record of Scotland (NMRS) which is then made available to the public. The RCAHMS website contains information on the history and work of the RCAHMS, services run by the Commission, contact information, an online exhibition of historic sites in Scotland, and CANMORE, the Computer Application for National Monuments Record Enquiries, an online service which, once registered allows the user to access the NMRS database. The database contains the details of thousands of archaeological sites, monuments, buildings and maritime sites in Scotland together with an index to the Collections of the NMRS." База данных, поисковая машина.

Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network (SCRAN)

"SCRAN is a "Millenium Project to build a networked multimedia resource base for the study, teaching and appreciation of history and material culture in Scotland". SCRAN was founded by a partnership of the National Museums of Scotland (NMS), the Scottish Museums Council (SMC) and the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS)." Поисковый портал.

Treasure UK Act 1996



Archaeology of Roman London

London. - 1991. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

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