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Arts & Crafts

// Presentation of some objects of the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin

Bronze Age Ireland

// General information

Discovery Programme

"The Discovery Programme is an archaeological research institution dedicated to investigating Irelands past from earliest times and presenting the results to as wide an audience as possible. Within this site you will find detailed information on the work of the Discovery Programme's projects, past, present and future, and the kinds of technology we use on a day-to-day basis. The Menu on your left is your gateway to the major areas of the Discovery Programme Website. Through this you can find out more about the Discovery Programme itself, the individual research projects, discussions and descriptions of the technology we use, Discovery Programme publications, and most importantly, the people who make all of this happen." Сотрудники, исследования, проекты, публикации, родственные ресурсы.


Лист e-mail археологов-профессионалов с краткими аннотациями, на англ. яз., ре ГУлярное обновление.

Irish Archaeological Sites

// Short guide to monuments of all periods

Irish Archaeology

"A guide to Irish archaeology both for the interested layman and the professional archaeologist." Аннотированный лист e-mail ирландских археологов, периодические издания, список ресурсов с аннотациями. Исчерпывающая информация по всем разделам, ре ГУлярное обновление, быстрая загрузка.

Irish National Heritage Park, Wexford

// Chapter on the Bronze Age

Knowth.com - Newgrange and other Megalithic Tombs of Ireland

"Resource site for the 5000 year old Megalithic Passage Tombs of Newgrange, Knowth, Dowth, Fourknocks, Loughcrew and Tara located in the present day County of Meath on the east coast of Ireland."

Subscribe Irish Archaeology

Подписка. Разделы: Iron Age Ireland, Early Medieval Ireland, Stone Age Ireland, Bronze Age Ireland, Late Gaelic Ireland, Irish Settlement Studies, Celtic theoretical framework.


Cochrane A. We Have Never Been Material

// "In this paper I discuss the relationships between the varied elements that were present in some Irish passage tombs. I argue that these ‘things’ or assemblages are not the passive receptacles and representations of social relations, set within dualist paradigms, but rather mixtures and performances of essences that interrelate with each other. Modern Western understandings of the world are generally based upon the dichotomy of object:subject. These divisions can take on many forms, for instance, nature:social or animate:inanimate."

Cochrane А. A taste of the unexpected: subverting mentalités through the motifs and settings of Irish passage tombs

// "Loughcrew, or Slieve na Calliagh, is one of Ireland’s most magnificent and abounding archaeological landscapes. It is located at the western end of Co. Meath and incorporates a complex of passage tombs distributed across the four neighbouring hilltops of Carnbane West, Carrickbrac or Newtown, Carnbane East and Patrickstown, in an area measuring 3 km from east to west and 600m from north to south (Fraser 1998, 206; Cooney 2000a, 159)."

Dier M. Fourknocks - An interpretation

// "This article is based on a lecture given to the Meath archaeological and historical society by Martin Dire at the Fourknocks in June 2004. The lecture was based on outlining the less obvious reasons why structures like the Fourknocks were sited where they were. Martin argues that the placements of the prehistoric monuments are far from haphazard or random. "

Flanagan L. Ancient Ireland Before the Celts

// 1998. St. Martin's Press, New York. ISBN 0-312-21881-8 (hardback). 233 pages, plus 16 pages of a glossary and bibliographic sources, and an index.

Gray M. Cosmic and Cometary Induced Cataclysms and the Megalithic Response

// "Early in the spring of 1986 I began a year-long pilgrimage around Europe by bicycle. Over four seasons I cycled through eleven countries to visit, study and photograph more than 135 holy places. In succeeding years I traveled to Europe several additional times, visiting other countries and their sacred sites. These travels took me to the sacred places of Megalithic, Greek and Celtic cultures as well as to the pilgrimage sites of medieval and contemporary Christianity. For many thousands of years our ancestors have been visiting and venerating the power places of Europe. One culture after another has often frequented the same power places. The story of how these magical places were discovered and used is filled with myths of cosmic and cometary induced world destroying cataclysms, astronomers and sages, and nature spirits and angels."

Johnston D. Ireland in prehistory - A concise account

// "Ireland's early history is dominated by the end of the last Ice Age. It has been mooted that perhaps in SW Ireland some hunter-gatherers remained in occupation during the Ice Age. However apart from that the first evidence we see for occupation appears in the River Bann area in N. Ulster (Mountsandel - Toomebridge - Ballymoney). Such occupation - per land-bridge or by water from W Scotland - has been dated to around 7000 BC. It is interesting to note that these early arrivals lived in quite substantial houses, and as well as being hunter-gatherers and fishermen practised a basic form of agriculture."

Johnston D. Some Thoughts on the Celts - Origin, Religion and Language

// "The object of these notes, as the title implies, is to express the writer's ideas and opinions. One culture which unwittingly has caused much confusion in people's minds is that of the Celts. In recent centuries the problem seems to have begun with the antiquarian William Stukeley (1687-1765) who associated such ancient monuments as Stonehenge and Avebury with the Celtic Druids, unaware of course that such monuments predated the Celtic Druids by a couple of millennia. Thus began the association of the Celts with the structures of the remote past."

Kilmurray L. Monuments and Access - The interpretation of Neolithic Monuments

// "Monuments are one of the defining features of the Neolithic of Western Europe. Tens of thousands of megaliths, henges, stone circles, menhirs, court cairns, passage graves, and other types, remain a rich source of information for archaeologists studying the Neolithic. Their scale and duration are unparalleled; nothing like them existed in the Mesolithic. For over two thousand years these collective architectural projects were the leitmotiv of the Neolithic itself."

O' Baoill R., Murphy E. Newtownstewart Castle, Co.Tyrone

// Excavation of an Early Bronze Age cist burial, article

Wason P.K. Messages from the Monuments - How Neolithic Monuments Communicate About Religion and Status

// "When we look at messages from monuments in this way, we sometimes discover that different conclusions, originally proposed as alternatives, are instead quite compatible with each other. To illustrate, I will use the monuments of the Avebury group in Wiltshire, England as a space-time focal point for synthesizing several theoretical perspectives (with the Irish Passage Tombs of Newgrange, Knowth, Dowth and a few other sites for support)."

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