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Ближний Восток

Украина. "Самая разнообразная информация о странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока: рубрики сайта посвящены Древнему Египту, Месопотамии, мифологии народов Востока.. Более 3000 статей".

Египтологический изборник

"Египтология, исследования, древнеегипетские тексты."

Перо "Маат"

Клуб египтоманов. "История, археология, новости, литературный креатив."

Центр египтологических исследований РАН

"Официальные страницы Центра египтологических исследований РАН. Информация об археологических исследованиях, проводимых ЦЕИ РАН в Мемфисе, Фаюме, Луксоре, западной Дельте и в акватории Александрии." Сотрудники, проекты, исследования.

Amigos de la Egiptologia

Портал. На испанск. яз.

Archaeology of Ancient Egypt

"The Egyptian civilization is one of the planet's oldest and most intriguing. Archaeological investigations into the lives of the pharaohs of the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms, as well as the Ptolemaic kings, have enhanced much of the written record." Список ресурсов с аннотациями.

Egypt Centre

"The Egypt Centre is funded by University of Wales Swansea. The Egypt Centre consists of part of the collection of the pharmacist Sir Henry Welcome from the turn of the century. It has been in the keeping of University of Wales, Swansea since the early 1970s. Thanks to the hard work of Dr Kate Bosse-Griffiths the collection opened as a museum. The idea for a new museum for the Wellcome Collection - to make it more accessible to the public as well as scholars - was developed by Sybil Crouch, Manager of Taliesin Arts Centre. Ms Crouch prepared applications for external funding and Ј700,000 was raised from Heritage Lottery Fund and the European Regional Development Fund. The design and fit out of the museum was developed by a working group chaired by Professor Alan Lloyd of the Department of Classics and Ancient History. The Egypt Centre opened to the public in September 1998."

Egyptian Archaeology

Pacific Lutheran University. "My fascination with Egypt began in childhood and since then, I have had the great pleasure of participating in archaeological projects in the regions of the Fayyum (on prehistoric sites) and in the Nile Delta. With the kind permission of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization (now the Supreme Council for Antiquities) I have had the privilege of directing several seasons of archaeological work and conservation studies in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor in the south of Egypt." Описания раскопок, родственные ресурсы.


"This page is set up with the kind assistance of the Newton Institute in the University of Cambridge to provide a World Wide Web resource for Egyptological information". Организации, исследования, публикации, конференции, лекции, база данных e-mail египтологов и т.п.

Egyptology Department

Brown University. "If you have any questions about the department or the program that have not been answered by the above information and links, you may contact us at the addresses listed below. Please note that we receive hundreds of requests for information a month and we will only answer questions pertaining directly to our program."

Land of Devine Gold

Обзорная информация


Рассылка. Electronic mailing list that deals with papyrology, history, epigraphy, and archaeology of Greco-Roman Egypt. To subscribe send E-Mail

Papyrus Collection

University of Michigan. "With over 7,000 inventory numbers and more than 10,000 individual fragments, the University of Michigan is home to one of the largest collections of papyri in the world. Through this webpage we hope to provide the public with access not only to our own papyrological collections but to many other papyrological resources as well."

Pringle H. Mummy Congress: Science, Obsession, and the Everlasting Dead

// 2001. Hyperion Books, Theia Press, New York. ISBN 0-7868-6551-2. Hard back. 341 pp, 26 color plates; a bibliography and an index. "In 1998, journalist and science writer Heather Pringle went to one of the myriad tiny arcane conferences held each year in archaeology. The Third World Congress on Mummy Studies was held in Arica, Chile that year, and over 180 delegates from around the world gathered in the home region of the earliest known mummies yet, the Chinchorro (5000-3000 BC). What Pringle took away from the conference were the seeds of a book, a book which covers an enormous amount of material in a lucid and entertaining way."

Pyramids: The Inside Story

Описания пирамид и их раскопок, родственные ресурсы.

Rigby's World of Egypt

"Egypt is a country rich in history and culture. Apart from a few unsafe areas, Egypt remains generally safe and the people very friendly. Most people who visit Egypt fall in love with the country as did my father, whose paintings can be found on this site, and mother whose verse appears at left. This personal web site contains about 120 pages which reflect my interest in Egypt. Take a tour of the country, relish ancient poetry, find out about Egyptian antiquities, see Egypt from above, plus much more."

Semitic Museum at Harvard University

"The Semitic Museum is one of the Harvard University Museums, housing collections of archaeological materials from the Ancient Near East. We currently have three exhibits open to the public, one from Old Kingdom Egypt, the second from ancient Cyprus, and the third from a 2nd millenium BCE Hurrian city named Nuzi, located in modern-day Iraq. You will find links to them above, as well as other information on the Museum, our activities, and helpful information for visitors. We are working on putting more of our collections on line, so we hope that you will check back often." Выставки и исследования.

Theban Mapping Project

"Discover each tomb in the Valley in this interactive Atlas. Investigate a database of information about each tomb, view a compilation of more than 2000 images, interact with models of each tomb, and measure, pan, and zoom over 250 detailed maps, elevations, and sections. Experience sixty-five narrated tours by Dr. Weeks and explore a 3D recreation of tomb KV 14."


"The most famous Egyptian pharaoh today is, without doubt, Tutankhamun. The boy king died in his late teens and remained at rest in Egypt's Valley of the Kings for over 3,300 years. All that changed in November 1922, when Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered by the British Egyptologist Howard Carter who was excavating on behalf of his patron Lord Carnarvon. His tomb almost escaped discovery and could have been undiscovered to this day. Carter had been searching for the tomb for a number of years and Carnarvon had decided that enough time and money had been expended with little return. However, Carter managed to persaude his patron to fund one more season and within days of resuming the tomb was found."


Воронятов С.В. Египетский фаянс на поселенческих памятниках северной периферии античного мира

// Нижневолжский археологический вестник. - Вып.12. - Волгоград. - 2011. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Грач Н.Л. К вопросу о политических контактах Боспора с Египтом в III в. до н.э.

// Скифия и Боспор. Археологические материалы к НК памяти акад. М.И. Ростовцева (Ленинград, 14-17 марта 1989 года). Новочеркасск. - 1989.

Мерперт Н.Я. Очерки археологии библейских стран

М. - 2000.

Френкель М.М. Некоторые календарные аспекты древнеегипетской игры "Мехен"

// История и культура Востока Азии. Мат-лы МНК (Новосибирск, 9-11 декабря 2002 г.). Новосибирск. - Т.1. - 2002. Скачать (2,2 Mb)

Abdel-Wahab M.S. Annual dose measurements and TL-dating of ancient Egyptian pottery*

// Pergamon. - Vol.47. - №5. - 1996.

Annual Egyptological Bibliography, University of Leiden

"Welcome to the home page of the Annual Egyptological Bibliography. The AEB is published by the International Association of Egyptologists in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute for the Near East."

Berger R. Ancient Egyptian radiocarbon chronology*

// 1970

Chauveau M. Egypt in the Age of Cleopatra: History and society under the Ptolemies

// 2000. Cornell University Press, ISBN 0-8014-8576-2 (paper). 196 pages, plus 30 pages of notes, glossary, and an index. "The book Egypt in the Age of Cleopatra is a fascinating glimpse into the cultural mixing of two great civilizations, Egypt and Greece."

Foster J.L. (translator). Ancient Egyptian Literature: An anthology

// 2001. University of Texas Press, Austin. ISBN 0-292-72527-2. paper back. 229 pp; four appendices, including a chronology, a glossary, a list of hieroglyphic passages, a list of sources; and an index.

Pringle H. Mummy Congress: Science, Obsession, and the Everlasting Dead

// 2001. Hyperion Books, Theia Press, New York. ISBN 0-7868-6551-2. Hard back. 341 pp, 26 color plates; a bibliography and an index. "In 1998, journalist and science writer Heather Pringle went to one of the myriad tiny arcane conferences held each year in archaeology. The Third World Congress on Mummy Studies was held in Arica, Chile that year, and over 180 delegates from around the world gathered in the home region of the earliest known mummies yet, the Chinchorro (5000-3000 BC). What Pringle took away from the conference were the seeds of a book, a book which covers an enormous amount of material in a lucid and entertaining way."

Strudwick N. Electronic Communication: Possibilities for Egyptology

// Cambridge University. "I feel that there are two aims to our computer working group. The first is to provide a forum where we can present our work and discuss it. The second is that we can come up with ideas which will enhance the value and use of computers within our subject. I feel that the second is the more important, as the majority of Egyptologists are not au fait with what is going on in the computer world. I would like to think that I can try and make Egyptologists realise what is possible, and then they might be inspired to come up with innovative practical applications." Статья с илл.

Wente E.F. Who Was Who Among the Royal Mummies

// The Oriental Institute News and Notes. - No.144. - 1995.

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