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 А.В. Основные вопросы археологии Москвы

// МИА. - №7. - 1947. - С.7-22.

NAVIS I project

// Database of 150 European ship finds up to AD 1200 (German and English).

NAVIS II project

// Database of ancient ship depictions up to AD 1200.

NERC Radiocarbon Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scotland

"Since 1970 the NERC Radiocarbon Laboratory (located in East Kilbride, Scotland), has provided UK scientists and international collaborators with radiocarbon measurements, mainly for earth and environmental science projects. The laboratory has a current capacity for about 1,300 samples annually, including a variety of sample types." Сотрудники, проекты, бибилиография

Nadel, Siegfried F. (1903-1956)

Nagel M. Umwelt, Besiedlungs- und Kulturgeschichte in Nordost-Niedersachsen während der Älteren Bronzezeit

// Environment, settlement- and cultural history of North-east Lower Saxony during the Early and Middle Bronze Age. Online publication of the master thesis

Nagihara N. et al. The combined application of PIXE analysis and thermoluminescence (TL) dating for elucidating the origin of iron manufacturing in Japan

// 1999

Nassaney M.S. and Johnson E.S. (Ed.) Interpretations of Native North American Life

// 2000. University Press of Florida and the Society for Historical Archaeology, Gainesville. ISBN 0-8130-1783-1 cloth, alkaline paper. 431 pp; a bibliography and an index. "This new collection of articles brings together the techniques and data from the studies of ethnohistory and archaeology to assist in the interpretation of past cultures of the North American continent."

National Archaeological DataBase Reports

"National Archeological Database, Reports module, is an expanded bibliographic inventory of approximately 240000 reports on archeological investigation and planning, mostly of limited circulation. This "gray literature" represents a large portion of the primary information available on archeological sites in the U.S. NADB-Reports can be searched by state, county, worktype, cultural affiliation, keyword, material, year of publication, title, and author." База данных по американской археологии, подписка.

National Resource for Biomedical Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

"The National Resource for Biomedical Accelerator Mass Spectrometry has been established to make AMS available to biomedical researchers who have a need for accurately measuring very low levels of 14C in their research. The Resource is also working to develop AMS into a routine tool for analysis of radioisotopes in biomedical tracer studies through development of new methods and instrumentation." Проекты, исследования, библиография

Natural Catastrophes during Bronze Age Civilisations: Archaeological, Geological and Astronomical Perspectives

// A conference organised by The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies and held at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, 11th-13th July 1997. Includes abstracts of contributions

Nehoroshev P.E. Technology of primary flaking at the site of Shlyakh, layer 8 (the Middle Don, Russia)

BAR. - International Series. - 1239. - 2004. - p.117-126. Файл Скачать в формате pdf 364 kb

Nehoroshev P.E., Vishnyatsky L.B. Shlyakh - a new late middle paleolithic site in the south Russian plain

// Neanderthals and modern humans - discussing the transition: Central and Eastern Europe from 50.000 - 30.000 B.P. Neanderthal Museum. Hrsg. von Jorg Orschiedt und Gerd-Christian Weniger. - 2000. - Wissenschaftliche Schriften des Neanderthal Museum. - Bd.2. S.256-266.

Nelson, Nels Christian (1875-1964)

Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project

"The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, started in 1986." Описание проекта.


// Online-Bibliography for Aegean prehistory, University of Cincinnati

Neth A. Heilbronn-Klingenberg, Bad.Wü

// Excavation of a female grave

Netting, Robert (? - 1995)

Netzbandt T. Herzsprung Shields

// Short article about the LBA shield type "Herzsprung".

New England Antiquities Research Association

"The New England Antiquities Research Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to a better understanding of our historic and prehistoric past through the study and preservation of New England's stone sites in their cultural context. Founded, 1964."

Newgrange Megalithic Passage Tomb

// "The Megalithic Passage Tomb at Newgrange was built about 3200 BC. The kidney shaped mound covers an area of over one acre and is surrounded by 97 kerbstones, some of which are richly decorated with megalithic art. The 19 metre long inner passage leads to a cruciform chamber with a corbelled roof. It is estimated that the construction of the Passage Tomb at Newgrange would have taken a work force of 300 at least 20 years."

Newton M.W., Kuniholm P.I. A Dendrochronological Framework for the Assyrian Colony Period in Asia Minor

// Vol. 7, 2005

Newton M.W., Wardle K.A., Kuniholm P.I. Dendrochronology and Radiocarbon Determinations from Assiros and the Beginning of the Greek Iron Age

// Conference of Archaeological Research in Macedonia & Thrace, held in Thessaloniki. - 2005

Niebuhr, Carsten (1733-1815)

Niemeier W.D. Milet in der Bronzezeit - ein pulsierendes Zentrum zwischen Orient und Okzident

// Ruperto Carola 1/2000. "Vor über 5000 Jahren begann die Geschichte Milets, der einstigen Metropole an der Westküste Kleinasiens. Dies zeigen neue eindrucksvolle Funde. Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier vom Archäologischen Institut schildert die aufregende Vergangenheit Milets und die mühselige Arbeit der Archäologen." Статья.

Niemeier W.D. Milet in der Bronzezeit - ein pulsierendes Zentrum zwischen Orient und Okzident*

// Ruperto Carola 1/2000. "Vor über 5000 Jahren begann die Geschichte Milets, der einstigen Metropole an der Westküste Kleinasiens. Dies zeigen neue eindrucksvolle Funde. Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier vom Archäologischen Institut schildert die aufregende Vergangenheit Milets und die mühselige Arbeit der Archäologen."

Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900)

Nowakowski W. Die Fibeln Almgren 55 und 56 aus heutiger sicht

// Forschungen zur Archaologie am Land Brandenburg. - 5. - 1998. - S.119-123. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf


Общая характеристика памятников кельтиберов с илл., на испанск. яз.

Nylen Е. Contacts between the Baltic region and the Black Sea during the Latest Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age

// Мат-лы IV-го археологического семинара. Новочеркасск. - 1994. - С.45-50. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf

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