Алфавитный список публикацийВы находитесь: Археология.PУ / / БИБЛИОТЕКА on-line Алфавитный список публикацийКириллица: А | Б | В | Г | Д | Е | Ж | З | И | К | Л | М | Н | О | П | Р | С | Т | У | Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш | Щ | Э | Ю | ЯЛатиница: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | ZGörner I. "Lahnberge" and Wiera// Two Bronze Age burial sites in the surroundings of Marburg GAVRITUKHIN I. Cut Glass Beakers within the Context of Studies in the Connections between the South of Eastern Europe and Scandinavia in the Late Period of Roman Influence and the Great Migration Periods// Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman Period. Kristiansand – Simferopol. - 2011. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf GPS.infoФорум. GUNDERSEN I. M. Aspects of Interregional Impulses: Germanic princely graves in the Early Roman period// Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman Period. Kristiansand – Simferopol. - 2011. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf Gaerte W. Urgeschichte OstpreusensKönigsberg. - 1929. Монографиях в нескольких частях. Балтика от каменного века до средневековья (305 стр., 246 рис, +19 табл.) Читать/сохранить файл *pdf Galicia en la prehistoria: La Edad del Bronce// Information about Galicia during the Bronze Age, including a short bibliography Gamio, Manuel (1883-1960)García Diez M. Dates for rock art at a Bronze Age sanctuary at the Galería del Sílex cave// Antiquity. - 77. - No296. - 2003. Gardiner, Alan (1879-1963)Garrod, Dorothy Annie Elizabeth (1892-1969)Garstang, John (1876-1956)Gassmann G. Latenezeitliche Eisenverhuttungsofen// Neue Erkenntnisse zur Eisenproduktion in Neuenburg. Заметка о производстве железа в Нойенбурге Gaul J.H. An Early Bronze Age Settlement at Sozopol, near Burgas, Bulgaria// Sofia. - 1998 Gayton, Anna Hadwick (1899-1977)Geoarcheologia: Scienze della Terra per l'Archeologia"Earth Sciences for Archaeology. Rocca di Papa (Rome) Italy. Responsable: Dr. Antonia Arnoldus-Huyzendveld, specialist in geoarchaeology and soil mapping." Методы, проекты, родственные ресурсы и т.п. На итал. и, частично, англ. яз. Geochron Laboratories"We specialize in isotope analyses for researchers in the fields of geology, economic geology, geochronology, archeology, anthropology, and hydrology, and for environmental, metabolic, and food adulteration." Исследования и проекты Geography Matters for Archaeological Research and Resource ManagementGIS в археологии. Обзоры, публикации, родственные ресурсы, Discussion forum, программное обеспечение, тренинг on-line. George Ortitz Collection// Presentation of Greek and European Bronze Age art Gesellschaft zur Fоrderung der vor- und fruhgeschichtlichen Ausgrabungen im Osnabrucker Land e.V."Im Jahre 9 n. Chr. vernichteten westgermanische Stammesverbände unter Führung des Cheruskerfürsten Arminius ein römisches Heer, das unter dem Oberbefehl des Statthalters P. Quinctilius Varus stand. Nahezu 20.000 Mann fanden den Tod. Die Schlacht im saltus Teutoburgiensis dauerte drei Tage und vereitelte den Versuch, Germanien zu einer römischen Provinz zu machen. Jahrhundertelang wurde der Ort der "Varusschlacht" gesucht. Inzwischen sind mehr als 700 Theorien zur 'genauen' Lage des Kampfplatzes vorgebracht worden, keine hielt der wissenschaftlichen Überprüfung stand. Der britische Hobbyarchäologe J. A. S. Clunn entdeckte 1987 am Kalkrieser Berg zwischen Bramsche und Ostercappeln einen zerpflügten Verwahrfund aus ca. 160 Silbermünzen und ein Jahr später drei Schleuderbleie, welche die Anwesenheit römischer Truppen belegen. Seit 1989 werden in Kalkriese unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schlüter kontinuierliche Ausgrabungen durchgeführt. Die zahlreichen römischen Militaria, Alltagsgegenstände und vor allem Münzen weisen darauf hin, daß die Varusschlacht in Kalkriese zwischen dem Großen Moor und dem Kalkrieser Berg stattgefunden hat." Giddings Jr., James Louis (1909-1964)Gifford, Edward (1887-1959)Gilad, Lisa (1957-1996)Gilberti W. On the death of paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould// World Socialist website, биография. Gillen, Francis J. (1855-1912)Gillin, John Philip (1907-1973)Giza & the Pyramids: 100 Years of American Archaeology at Giza"This exhibition opened to the public in 1997, and remains one of the favorite exhibits of school groups. It addresses the work in the early 1900's of Prof. George Reisner, who excavated the Pyramid of Mycerinus (MenkauRe) at Giza, and the ongoing work of Prof. Mark Lehner." Информация о выставке на сайте "Semitic Museum at Harvard University" Glivice Radiocarbon LaboratoryПроекты, исследования, база данных, библиография, конференции, учебные курсы Gluckman, Max (1911-1975)Gnomon Online IndexInternationales Informationssystem fur die Klassische Altertumswissenschaft. Католический университет Eichstatt, база данных по эпиграфике, публикации on-line, ссылки на ресурсы с аннотациями, на нем. и франц. яз. Godlowski K. The Chronology of the Late Roman and Early Migration Periods in Central EuropeKrakow. - 1970. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf Godlowski, KazimierzGods and Heroes of the Bronze Age - Europe at the Time of Ulysses// 25th Exhibition of the Council of Europe May 13th - Aug. 22nd 1999 at the Kunst- und Austellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn Goguet, Antoine Yves (1716-1758)Goldenberg G. Kupferbergbau in Tirol// Bronze age copper mining in the Austrian Alps, a contribution to the presentation "Montanarchäologie" at archaeologie-online.de Goldene Zeichen - Kult und Macht in der Bronzezeit// Exhibition at the Historisches Museum der Pfalz (Speyer) from 08/05/05 until 11/09/05 Goldfrank, Esther Schiff (1896-1997)Goldman, Hetty (1881-1972)Gomolka-Fuchs G. Gläser der der Sîntana de Mureş -Cernjachov-Kultur aus Rumänien und der Republik Moldavien// Die Sîntana de Mureş - Černjachov Kultur. Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums in Caputh vom 20. bis 24. Oktober 1995. - Bd.2. - Bonn. - 1999. - S.129-142. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf Goode, George Brown (1851-1896)Gould, Stephen Jay (1942-2002)Gräberlandschaften der Bronzezeit// International congress at the LWL-Museum für Archäologie in Herne (including agenda as pdf file in German, English and French). Graham B. Brú Na Bóinne - Heritage Tourism Sustainability// "A paper by Bettina Graham - Completed in October 2007 as part of the requirement for ‘Destinations in Tourism Systems’ in the post-graduate Certificate of Tourism Management at the University of Technology Sydney - Faculty of Business in the School of Sport, Leisure and Tourism. Full Paper in PDF format (700 KB)" Gray M. Cosmic and Cometary Induced Cataclysms and the Megalithic Response// "Early in the spring of 1986 I began a year-long pilgrimage around Europe by bicycle. Over four seasons I cycled through eleven countries to visit, study and photograph more than 135 holy places. In succeeding years I traveled to Europe several additional times, visiting other countries and their sacred sites. These travels took me to the sacred places of Megalithic, Greek and Celtic cultures as well as to the pilgrimage sites of medieval and contemporary Christianity. For many thousands of years our ancestors have been visiting and venerating the power places of Europe. One culture after another has often frequented the same power places. The story of how these magical places were discovered and used is filled with myths of cosmic and cometary induced world destroying cataclysms, astronomers and sages, and nature spirits and angels." Greaves, John (1602-1652)Greco-Roman Authors in Internet Classic archieveThe Internet Classics Archive by Daniel C. Stevenson, Web Atomics. "Select an author from the list below to see a list of works by that author. Then, select one of the titles to view the work or follow the "Read discussion" link to participate in a discussion about the work. The "more info" links refer to relevant pages in the Encyclopaedia Brittanica (subscription required)." Тексты на языках оригиналов и Переводы на англ. яз. Greece in the Bronze Age// Page of the Lake Forest College (Illinois). Information about the Cycladic Culture, the Minoan and Mycenaean Civilizations, including several pictures an a bibliography Greek Pottery found at Histria"1,770 finds with catalogue references in an on-line database." База данных. Green, Vera Mae (1928-1982)Greene K. Archaeology: an Introduction"Welcome to the electronic companion to Archaeology : An Introduction - an introductory book about archaeology for students, or anyone else who would like to start learning about the subject. The book is by Kevin Greene, a senior lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Newcastle in the UK. This site contains links to web resources, archives and documents that relate to areas covered by the book. They are organised according to the book's chapters and headings. Obviously not all of the section headings have directly useful WWW links, but I have left them in place to allow additions. The menu on the left of your screen is there to help you navigate your way around the site. If you are using a particular chapter of the book, you can quickly find links related to the section you are reading. Otherwise, you can browse through the chapter headings to find the subject you want. This new website is for the revised fourth edition of the book published in 2002, but if you have the 1995 edition you can still access the old website; it has not been updated since 2001, however." Greenhalgh M. The "Palace" of Diocletian at Split// "A Unique Structure from the Later Roman Empire". Небольшая заметка, виртуальный тур. Griffin N. The Celts/ Part I: Their Origins and Prehistory. - National Vanguard Magazine. - №115. - 1995. Монография по истории кельтов на англ. яз. Griffin, James Bennet (1905-1997)Grigoryev S. Sintashta culture Metallurgy// Investigation of bronze age metallurgical slags. Institute of History and Archaeology, Chelyabinsk Grinnell, George Bird (1849-1938)Grote K. Archäologische und baugeschichtliche Untersuchungen an mittelalterlichen Kirchen und Klöstern in Südniedersachsen// "Im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter Kirche eines Erzpriesters (Archipresbyteriat). Archäologische und baugeschichtliche Untersuchung zwischen 1979 und 1981 im Zuge der allgemeinen Bausanierung mit Heizungseinbau." Grote K. Bernshausen - Wirtschaftshaupthof (Curtis) des Früh- bis Hochmittelalters// "Das Schwerpunktprojekt befasst sich mit der modellhaften Rekonstruktion eines kleinräumigen, aber mehrhundertjährigen geschichtlichen Vorganges am Zentralort einer lokalen Grundherrschaft des Früh- bis Hochmittelalters und ihrer Nachfolgeanlagen des Spätmittelalters." Grote K. Untersuchungen auf mittelalterlichen Wüstungen// "Die zahlreichen mittelalterlichen Ortswüstungen im Göttinger Kreisgebiet sind seit 1980 permanentes Arbeitsfeld der archäologischen Denkmalpflege des Landkreises Göttingen." Gudkova A.V. Die grautonige Keramik der Siedlung von Kozyrka in der Umgebung von Olbia (Zum Problem der Protocernjachov-Keramik)// Die Sîntana de Mureş - Černjachov Kultur. Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums in Caputh vom 20. bis 24. Oktober 1995. - Bd.2. - Bonn. - 1999. - S.143-154. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf Gulick, Margaret Eaton (1923-1979)
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