Алфавитный список публикацийВы находитесь: Археология.PУ / / БИБЛИОТЕКА on-line Алфавитный список публикацийКириллица: А | Б | В | Г | Д | Е | Ж | З | И | К | Л | М | Н | О | П | Р | С | Т | У | Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш | Щ | Э | Ю | ЯЛатиница: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | ZSAIR Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports// Includes many extensive contributions to the Bronze Age (pdf files) SEAC - The European Society for Astronomy in Culture"The European Society for Astronomy in Culture is a Professional Association of scientists working in the field of Astronomy in Culture or Anthropological Astronomy, including the interdisciplinary disciplines of Archaeoastronomy an Ethnoastronomy. However, researchers in nearby fields of science like History of Astronomy, Mythology, Spatial Archaeology or Cosmology are also welcomed in the SEAC." Конференции, новости, образование. SHABANOV S. Glass Beakers with Polished Ovals from the Late Roman Period in the Crimea// Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman Period. Kristiansand – Simferopol. - 2011. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf SHAPE LabBrown University. Archaeology Photogrammetry. Визуализация в археологии. Сотрудники, исследования. STYLEGAR F.-A. Weapon graves in Roman and Migration period Norway (AD 1–550)// Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman Period. Kristiansand – Simferopol. - 2011. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf Sagan, Carl (1934-1996)Sajo J. Ireland's burial mounds hold many mysteries// "About a 30-minute drive from Dublin, there’s a fertile valley nestled in a meandering loop of the Boyne River." Salt, Henry (1785-1827)Sammallahdenmäki// Description of a bronze age burial site belonging to the World Heritage, by The National Board of Antiquities Finland Samora, Julian (1920-1996)Sandor-Chicideanu M. Neue Brotlaibidole aus Ton dem Becken der unteren Donau// European Arcaeology Online Santorin, une "Pompei prehistorique"// Article about the destruction of Santorin, Université de Bourgogne Sapir, Edward (1884-1939)Sauter H. Studien zum Kimmerierproblem// Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde. - 72 Sawyers, June Skinner. James Henry Breasted// Chicago Portraits - Biographies of 250 Famous Chicagoans. "A brilliant scholar of Egyptology, James Henry Breasted held the first chair of Egyptology in the United States. He was professor of Egyptology and Oriental History at the University of Chicago from 1894 to 1925 and founded the Oriental Institute Museum in 1919." Schötz M. Bronzezeit im Raum Vilsbiburg// Part of a page about the prehistory of the Vils valley, Bavaria Schcukin M.B., Eremenko V.E. Zur Frage der Datierung keltischer Altertumer in Transkarpatengebiet der Ukraine und einige Probleme der Latene-Chronologie// Acta Archaeologica Carpathica. - T.XXX. - 1991. - S.115-140. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf Schele, Linda (1942-1998)Schellenburg// A fortified hilltop settlement of the late Bronze Age near Kinding/Enkering in Bavaria Scheuerer K. Archäologie in Bayern// Prehistory of Bavaria, presentation of findspots, artefacts and much more. Schlager N. Überlegungen zur Interpretation sog. kyklopischer oder megalithischer Bauten in Ostkreta// Festschrift für Friedrich Brein. - Forum Archaeologiae. -14.III.2000, based on the evidence of Epano Limnia/Paralaki Mantra, Aspro Nero/[stou] Paletsi and Dasonari in: Altmodische Archäologie. Schliemann, Heinrich (1822-1890)Schneider, David (1918-1995)School of Conservation Sciences"We are a vibrant academic community of archaeologists, environmentalists, geographers, and physical anthropologists committed to delivering high quality teaching, meticulous scholarship, and innovative research linked to imaginative enterprise and knowledge-transfer activities that benefit industry and the community at large". Исследования, учебные программы, сотрудники. Schorr E.M. Applying the Revised Chronology// "Article about the end of the Mycenaean period." Статья. Schroeder, Albert Henry (1914-1993)Schwarz W. Aurich: Mittelalterliche Warft// Статья. Schwarz W. Aurich: Siedlung des Mittelalters// Статья. Schwenzer S. Vollgriffdolche als Statussymbole frühbronzezeitlicher Eliten// Article in archaeologie-online Science and StonehengeWebsite documenting the finds from an archaeological project at Stonehenge funded by English Heritage. Исследования Scrolls from the Dead Sea (The Library of Congress Exhibit)"The exhibition "Scrolls From the Dead Sea: The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship" brings before the American people a selection from the scrolls which have been the subject of intense public interest." Информация о выставке 2002 г. Sears, William Hulse (1920-1996)Selections from the Field Journal of William Duncan Strong (Honduras, 1933)// Smithsonian Institution, биографическая заметка. Seligman, Charles G. (1873-1940)Service, Elman (1915-1996)Setzler, Frank Maryl (1902-1975)Shardlow, Derbyshire// Discovery of a Bronze Age log boat with a cargo of quarried stone at the banks of the River Trent Sharp, Lauriston (1907-1993)Shchukin M., Kazanski M., Sharov O. Des Goths aux Huns: Le Nord de la mer Noire au Bas - Empire et a l’époque des Grandes MigrationsBAR. - International Series. -1535. - 2006. Скачать (38 Мб) Shchukin M., Shuvalov P. The Alano-Gothic cavalry charge in the battle of Adrianopole// Geografia e viaggi nel mondo antico. Ancona. - 2007. - P.209-229. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf Sheffield Centre for Aegean Archaeology"Aegean archaeology has had a prominent role at Sheffield for almost thirty years, but never before has there been such a concentration of both staff and postgraduate researchers as there is today. And never before have we been able to offer staff, students and academic visitors alike such excellent and wide-ranging facilities for research. It is for this reason that, with the support of the University, we have created the Centre for Aegean Archaeology. The Centre is dedicated to providing an inter-disiplinary environment for research into all aspects of the archaeology of the Aegean. This Web page tells you more about the staff of the Centre, its aims and objectives, current research activities, and the research facilities which are available to its members. If there is any further information you require-as a potential student, visiting scholar, or a participant in our seminars, workshops and annual colloquium, just drop us a line." Shostak, Marjorie (? - 1996)Silvester N. From Rapier to Langsax// Sword Structure in the British Isles in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Simonenko A.V. Bewaffnung und Kriegswesen der Sarmaten und späten Skythen im nördlichen Schwarzmeergebiet// Eurasia Antiqua. - 2001. - Bd.7. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf Simonenko A.V. Eine sarmatische Bestattung mit Tamga-Zeichen im Gebiet Olbias// Eurasia Antiqua. - 2004. - Bd.10. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf Simpson, George Gaylord (1902-1984)Simpson, Ruth (1918-2000)Siskin R. Zur Siedlungsarchäologie der Cernjachov-Kultur// Die Sîntana de Mureş - Černjachov Kultur. Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums in Caputh vom 20. bis 24. Oktober 1995. - Bd.2. - Bonn. - 1999. - S.83-91. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf Skarrsten A. Compasses carved in stone// "All along the southern Norwegian coast we can find compasses carved in rock. These compasses can also be found in Sweden, Finland and on the Faeroe Islands. There is only one know compass like this outside of these four countries, that is on the top of Mont Orgueil Castle on the east coast of Jersey. Research by Johan A. Wikander, the outmost expert on this type of rockcarving in Norway, has established that most of these compasses has been carved by pilots on high points, at their lookouts. These were to be used when they saw a ship signaling for pilot. If the weather turned bad or snow- or rainshower came in, he would still have the bearing for the ship. These compasses are around a foot wide (smallest 17 cm, biggest 68 cm) with different layouts and use of symbols for north an east". Изображения компасов, высеченные в камне на побережье Норвегии. Skrea Project// Analysis of the long term change in settlement pattern and cultural landscape during the period 1200 BC - AD 500 in Halland (SW-Sweden) Skullduggery"Source for fossils and skulls." Коммерческая фирма. Skulls Unlimited"The evolution of Skulls Unlimited started when, at age seven, I found a dog skull in the woods near my home. When my father saw my interest, he encouraged me to find and collect other skulls, thus making it a life-long hobby. After graduating high school, I collected and sold skulls in my spare time while working as an auto body technician. As sales grew, my wife Kim and I began to clean skulls in our kitchen. Starting with a one-page price list, in 1986, we turned this unusual hobby into a business." Коммерческая фирма. Smith, Grafton Elliot (1871-1937)Society for Archaeological Sciences"The Society for Archaeological Sciences (SAS) was founded to establish a forum for communication among scholars applying methods from the physical sciences to archaeology and to aid the broader archaeological community in assessing the potentials and problems of those methods." Исследования, публикации, родственные ресурсы Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA)"Formed in 1967, the Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) is the largest scholarly group concerned with the archaeology of the modern world (A.D. 1400-present). The main focus of the society is the era since the beginning of European exploration. SHA promotes scholarly research and the dissemination of knowledge concerning historical archaeology. The society is specifically concerned with the identification, excavation, interpretation, and conservation of sites and materials on land and underwater. Geographically the society emphasizes the New World, but also includes European exploration and settlement in Africa, Asia, and Oceania." Новости, исследования, публикации, библиография и т.п. Soler J.M. García El Tesoro de Villena// Complete publication with figs Sovjan// Studies of a lakeside settlement in Southern Albania Spaceborne Radar Images of PetraNASA. "This spaceborne radar image shows archeological sites, the environment that gave rise to them, and modern developments that threaten them in the region around Petra, Jordan, a World Heritage Site." Spaulding, Albert (1914-1990)Spencer, Baldwin (1860-1929)Sphakia Survey Internet Edition"University of Oxford. The Sphakia Survey is an interdisciplinary archaeological project studying life in this remote and rugged part of Crete, from the time that people arrived in the area (by ca 3000 BC), until the end of Ottoman rule in AD 1900." История и археология Крита с IV тыс. до н.э. до позднего средневековья. Spier, Leslie (1893-1961)Spinden, Herbert (1879-1967)Spindler, Louise Schaubel (1917-1997)Spott, Robert (1888-1953)Squier, Ephraim George (1821-1888)Stampfuβ R. Germanen in der Ukkraine// Germanen-Erbe. Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte. - Bd.7. - 1942. - S.130-140. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf Stark H. Weißenstein 1995 bis 2001// "Informationen zur Sanierung der Ruine im Landkreis Tirschenreuth." Stecchini L.C. The Persian Wars// "The period covered in this article is between 480 and 479 BC when the Persians fought against the Greeks. The most important sea battle was at Salamis and the estimates of the number of triremes in the fleet from various sources is discussed. References are cited. This page is one of a series about the Persian wars." Статья. Steed, Gitel P. (1914-1977)Stern, Curt (1902-1981)Stevenson, Matilda Coxe (1849-1915)Steward, Julian (1902-1972)Stewart Jr., Thomas Dale (1901-1997)Stifter D. Fís Adamnáin - Die Vision des Adamnán// Studia Celtica Austriaca. - N.2. - 1996 Stifter D. Notes on Celtic Nominal Morphology: 1. Celtiberian -unei, Luguei// Статья, Universität Wien. Um diesen Artikel korrekt lesen zu können, müssen Sie zuerst die beiden True-Type-Schriftsätze Aaron und Amairgin (Autorin: Melanie Malzahn) herunterladen und auf Ihrem Computer installieren. Stiles, Ezra (1727-1795)Stirling, Matthew Williams (1896-1975)Stork I. Latenezeit: Friedhof und Siedlung mit reichen Funden// Uber eine Rettungsgrabung des Landesdenkmalamtes Baden-Wurttemberg in Korntal-Munchingen (Kr. Ludwigsburg), publiziert in "Archaologie in Deutschland" №2/97. Заметка о находках раннекельтского времени. Strong, William (1899-1962)Strudwick N. Electronic Communication: Possibilities for Egyptology// Cambridge University. "I feel that there are two aims to our computer working group. The first is to provide a forum where we can present our work and discuss it. The second is that we can come up with ideas which will enhance the value and use of computers within our subject. I feel that the second is the more important, as the majority of Egyptologists are not au fait with what is going on in the computer world. I would like to think that I can try and make Egyptologists realise what is possible, and then they might be inspired to come up with innovative practical applications." Статья с илл. Stuart D. Hieroglyphs and History at Copаn// "Copán ranks among the most important of Maya sites for many reasons, but foremost among these is its vast number of hieroglyphic texts. For its relative small size (many other sites in the Maya lowlands are physically larger), the amount of inscribed materials at Copán are truly astounding, suggesting that in some way the elite culture of this ancient kingdom was particularly interested in literate culture and whatever that entailed. It comes as little surprise, therefore, that Copán has long been a focus of intensive epigraphic investigation. The large number of texts at Copán, nearly all on large stone stelae or altars, have given scholars a large amount of texts to be compared and studied, and these texts have played a significant role in the overall effort to break the Maya code. Recently, this great progress in deciphering Copán's inscriptions has not only revealed surprising facts about the local royal history, featuring the rituals and reigns of individual kings over a four-hundred year period, but it has also opened several doors on Maya culture as a whole." Статья 1996 г. Stuiver M., Polach H.A. Reporting of 14C data// Radiocarbon. - Vol.19. - №3. - 1977 Stukeley, William (1687-1765)Suess H.E., Linick T.W. The 14C record in bristlecone pine wood of the past 8000 years based on the dendrochronology of the late C.W. Ferguson// 1990 Sukower Typ// "Vom Sukower Typ zu spätslawischer Keramik und Ostseeware. Neue Ergebnisse und Methoden der Forschung zur Keramik des 7./8. bis 12./13. Jahrhunderts im westlichen Ostseeraum. Kolloquium des Archäologischen Landesmuseums Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und des Lehrstuhls für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, 12.14. Dezember 2002." Sulikowska A. "New Constantinople": Byzantine Traditions in Muscovite Rus’ in the 16th Century// Восточноевропейский археологический журнал. - №3(10). - 2001. Sumner, Margaret (1915-1995)Sussex 'Flag Fen' decays without record// British Archaeology. - 24. - 1997. Lack of money makes complete excavation impossible Svoboda J. Pavlov Site// Journal of Field Archaeology. - 21. -1994. - р.69-81. Swanton, John Reed (1873-1958)Swindale I. Minoan Crete// Information about archaeological sites on Crete (not only the palaces) Swiny St. Luigi Palma di Cesnola// "The most famous nineteenth century antiquarian to prowl Cyprus in search of exotica was without doubt Luigi Palma di Cesnola, that irrepressible soldier, adventurer, diplomat and collector who would end his life as the first director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City." Текст на сайте "Semitic Museum at Harvard University". См. также Cyprus: Its Ancient Cities, Tombs and Temples Symonds L., Ling R. Travelling Beneath Crows: Representing socio-geographical concepts of time and travel in early medieval England// The 13th issue of Internet Archaeology. "This article focuses on the production and consumption of artefacts, specifically pottery, in Anglo-Scandinavian Lincolnshire. It contains a 'Java' map interface which mimics the interactive abilities of a GIS and allows readers to investigate the patterns of pottery distribution for themselves". Symonenko O., Dzneladze O. The Eye Beads - Amulets of Warriors of the 3d-1st centuries B.C.// The Thracians and Their Neighbours in Antiquity. Studia in Honorem Valerii Sîrbu. - Brăila. - 2009. - p.197-213. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf
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