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Künnemann W. [рец.] Щукин М.Б. На рубеже эр. Опыт историко-археологической реконструкции политических событий III в. до н.э. - I в.н.э. в Восточной и Центральной Европе"

// Eurasia Antiqua. - 4. - 1998. - S.496-499. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf

KHRAPUNOV I. The Northern Barbarians in the Crimea: a history of the investigation

// Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman Period. Kristiansand – Simferopol. - 2011. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Kaiserpfalz Ingelheim

"Sie können sich hier über unseren derzeitigen Arbeitsschwerpunkte Archäologie, Denkmal-tourismus und Stadtsanierung informieren, die Sie auch als Hauptkapitel unserer Internetpräsenz wiederfinden."


// Excavation results of a Bronze Age settlement in central Euboea

Kats V.I. Typology and Chronological Classification of Khersonesan Magistrate Stamps

// ВДИ. - 1985. - №1. - С.87-113. [Типология и хронологическая классификация херсонесских магистратских клейм, англ. пер.]

Katz, Solomon (1909-1985)

Kaufmann St. Archäometrie - Untersuchung kulturhistorischer Objekte mit aktuellen Methoden

// Journal of the TU Claustah. -l 7/2000 (pdf file)

Kazanski M. Les Antiquites germaniques de l’epoque Romaine tardive en Crimee et dans la Region de la Mer d’Azov

// Ancient West & East. - 2002. - Vol.1. - No.2. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Kazanski M. Les arctoi gentes et "l'empire" d'Hermanaric

// Germania. -70. -1992. - 1. Halband. - S.75-120. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Keiger D. The Great Authenticator

// Johns Hopkins magazine, статья.

Keith, Arthur (1866-1955)

Kelheimer Tonpfeife

// Bronze age find oldest hashish pipe in the world?

Kelsey Museum of Archaeology

University of Michigan. Греческие и римские памятники - база данных. Выставки, полевые работы, публикации, библиотеки и т.п. на англ. яз.

Kelten und Romer: Geschichte zum Anfassen

"Der Verein Kelten und Römer “Geschichte zum Anfassen e.V.” wurde im Januar 2001 in Großkarolinenfeld bei Rosenheim/Oberbayern gegründet. Unsere Darstellungen beziehen sich auf die keltische und römische Bevölkerung im süddeutschen Raum. Wir versuchen so authentisch wie möglich unsere Tracht, die Ausrüstungs- und Alltagsgegenstände herzustellen (experimentelle Archäologie). Durch das Studium von archäologischen und schriftlichen Quellen stellt unser Verein den Alltag, die Sitten, die Gebräuche und die Kriegskunst dar. Als Schwerpunkt soll der Zeitraum 100 v. Chr. bis 0 abgedeckt werden. Frühere und spätere Darstellungen zu den Kelten und Römern sind möglich, um die Vielfalt bei der Entwicklung innerhalb dieser Kulturen zu zeigen." Галерея фотоизображений, гостевая книга, родственные ресурсы, на нем. яз.


Universität Wien. Individuelle Diplomstudium. Учебные планы и др., на нем. яз.

Kennedy M. Seahenge clue to ancient axes

// The Guardian, 11.20.01. "The oldest metal axe cuts in Britain have been detected in the timbers of Seahenge, felled more than 4,000 years ago. The marks of dozens of axes prove that metal tools were being used for complex wood work within a century of bronze technology arriving in Britain from the continent".

Kenyon, Kathleen (1906-1978)

Keramikproduktion und -distribution

// Analysis of pottery production and distribution, University Heidelberg


"Cernunnos, the Horned or Antlered God of the pre-Christian Celts represents the masculine aspects of nature, fertility, prosperity and abundance." На англ. яз. Кельтская и античная нумизматика: кельтские имитации греческих монет, кельтские монеты Британии (интерактивная карта, изображения и датировки), Atlas de Monnaies Gauloises by Henri de la Tour (database), родственные ресурсы, изображения воинов, шаманов и бардов на монетах. Кельтские верования и божества.

Khazaria Info Center

"Khazaria Info Center established on May 5, 1995 by Kevin Alan Brook, author of The Jews of Khazaria (1st edition, 1999), is the leading Internet provider of information about the Khazar Kingdom. A Resource for Turkic and Jewish History in Russia and Ukraine. Information and exhibits on the Khazar Kingdom which dominated medieval Eastern Europe. Includes images of Khazarian fortresses and artifacts, as well as many archaeological links to related topics." Информативный ре ГУлярно обновляемый сайт по истории Хазарии на англ. яз., новости, статьи (в том числе on-line), книги, исследования и др.

Kidder, Alfred Vincent (1885-1963)

Kilmurray L. Monuments and Access - The interpretation of Neolithic Monuments

// "Monuments are one of the defining features of the Neolithic of Western Europe. Tens of thousands of megaliths, henges, stone circles, menhirs, court cairns, passage graves, and other types, remain a rich source of information for archaeologists studying the Neolithic. Their scale and duration are unparalleled; nothing like them existed in the Mesolithic. For over two thousand years these collective architectural projects were the leitmotiv of the Neolithic itself."

Kingsborough, Lord (1795-1837)

Kirke: Archäologie

"Katalog der Internetressourcen für die Klassische Philologie aus Erlangen. Sammlungen von Ressourcen, Institutionen, Kunstgattungen, Ausstellungen, Bildquellen, Zeitschriften, Archäologische Maillists." Список ресурсов на нем. яз. С краткими аннотациями. Классическая филология, раздел "Археология". Большой список археологической периодики, немецких археологических семинаров и др.

Kirsch, Anthony Thomas (1930-1999)

Klassillinen arkeologia

Turku University. "Archaeology course at the Institute for Classics and Ancient Cultures." Сотрудники, курсы, проекты, ресурсы, на финск. яз.

Klejn L.S. A History of anthropological ideas (Abstract)

In print at St. Petersburg University, in Russian. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. Ancient migrations and the origins of Indo-European peoples (Abstract)

In print at St. Petersburg University, in Russian. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. Archaeological sources (abstract)

Publ. in Russian (1978) by Leningrad University, the second edition (1993) at Farn, St. Petersburg. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. Archaeological typology

Oxford edition of 1982 is by BAR, Slovenian edition of 1988 by Ljubljana university Russian edition of 1991 by Academy of Scinces of USSR, St. Petersburg. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. Archaeology in the saddle (Gustav Kossinna from the far distance)

Abstract of a monograph-sized article. Publ. In German (1974), in French (shortened version, 1978), in Russian (2000), all in journals. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. Culture and evolution. Theoretical studies (Prospect-abstract)

Prepared, but still not accepted by Publishers. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. Ethnogenesis and archaeology (Abstract)

In print at the philological faculty of St. Petersburg University, in Russian. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. History of archaeological thought (Prospect-abstract)

In print at the St.Petersburg University, in Russian. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. Incorporeal heroes (The Origin of Homeric images) (Abstract)

Publ. in Russian 1994 by Khudozhestvennaya literatura and Farn, St.Petersburg. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. Introduction to theoretical archaeology: Meta-archaeology

Publ . in English (2001) as a Supplement to Acta Archaeologica Copenhagen; in Russian (2004) by Belveder, St. Petersburg. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. The Anatomy of the Iliad (Abstract)

Publ. in Russian 1998 by St. Petersburg University. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. The Catalogue of Ships (Prospect-Abstract)

In print, at the Eurasia publs., St Petersburg, in Russian. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. The Resurrection of Perun. Reconstructing East Slavic pagan religion (Abstract)

Publ. in Russian (2004) by Eurasia, St. Petersburg. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. The phenomenon of Soviet archaeology

Publ. in Russian (1993) at St. Petersburg by Farn; in Spanish (1993) at Bacelona by Critica; in German (1997) at Frankfurt by Peter Lang. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. The principles of archaeology

Publ. in Russian (2001) by Belveder, St. Petersburg Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Klejn L.S. Time in archaeology (Prospect-Abstract)

L. S. Klejn. Time in archaeology. Prospect-Abstract. Russian version

Klejn L.S. Varangian debates. The arguments and the history of the controversion (Abstract)

Publ. (2009) in Russian at St. Petersburg by Eurasia. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

Kloiber Ä. Anthropologische Auswertung der Urnenfelderzeitlichen Leichenbrände von Linz-Schörgenhub und St. Martin bei Linz

// Naturkundliches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz 1956, 13-18 (pdf file). Article about anthropological examination of Late Bronze Age cremation ashes

Kloiber Ä. Ein Gräberfeld der frühen Bronzezeit in Rudelsdorf III, Gemeinde Hörsching

// Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines. - 109. - 1964. - S.153-156 (pdf file)

Kloiber Ä. Ein neues Gräberfeld der frühen Bronzezeit in Hörsching-Haid. Ein vorläufiger Bericht

// Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines 110, 1965, 158-161 (pdf file)

Kluckhohn, Clyde (1905-1960)

Klyutchnikov V. Khazar burial mounds at Chastiye kurgany

// Статья на англ. яз. "Chastiye Kurgany is an archaeological site composed of about 30 kurgans (burial mounds) in the Rostov region of Russia. It is located between the Seversky Donets River (a tributary of the Don River) and the Bystraya River. It lies at a distance of 150 kilometers north-east from Rostov-on-Don. The investigation of this site started in 2000. The excavations of the first mound revealed a burial of rather a rare type dated to the 5th-4th centuries B.C.E. The following artifacts were found there: a bronze cauldron, a brazier, various arrowheads, pottery, as well as some horse harness details of a Scythian beast style. These molded bronze heads and figures of beasts are genuine pieces of antique art."

Knapp I. Häuptlingsgräber der Aunjetitzer Kultur (2200-1800 BC)

// archaeologie-online. The exceptionally rich graves of the Early Bronze Age Unetice culture, presented as part of the presentation "Princely graves - expression of power and wealth"

Kneberg Lewis, Madeline (1902-1996)

Knowth.com - Newgrange and other Megalithic Tombs of Ireland

"Resource site for the 5000 year old Megalithic Passage Tombs of Newgrange, Knowth, Dowth, Fourknocks, Loughcrew and Tara located in the present day County of Meath on the east coast of Ireland. The Great Mound was built over 5000 years ago, probably after the construction of Newgrange and before the construction of Dowth. The Great Mound at Knowth is similar in size to Newgrange and is surrounded by 18 smaller satellite mounds. The Great Mound has two passages with entrances on opposite sides, the western passage is 34 metres long and the eastern passage is 40 metre long, ending with a cruciform chamber."

Kobres В. Jacques Boucher de Perthes

// University of Georgia, биография.

Koehler C.G. A Brief Typology and Chronology of Corinthian Transport Amphoras

// Греческие амфоры. Саратов. - 1992. - С.265-279. Общая типология и хронология коринфских транспортных амфор, англ. пер.

Kokowski A. Vorschlag zur relativen Chronologie der südöstlichen Kulturen des „Gotenkreises“ (Die Forschungsergebnisse der Maslomecz-Gruppe in Polen)

// Die Sîntana de Mureş - Černjachov Kultur. Akten  des Internationalen Kolloquiums in Caputh vom 20. bis 24. Oktober 1995. - Bd.2. - Bonn. - 1999. - S.179-210. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf

Koninger J. Eine eisenzeitliche Siedlung im Federseeried?

// Archaologie in Deutschland. - №1/97. Резюме, гальштаттские находки с дендродатами от 721 до 621 гг. до н.э.

Koryakova L. Sintashta-Arkaim Culture

// Presentation at the University of California, Berkeley April 1998

Koryakova L. The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia

// Summary of a presentation at the University of California, Berkeley April 1998

Kossinna, Gustaf (1858-1931)

Kovalev A. "Karasuk-Dolche", Hirschteine und die Nomadien der Chinesischen Annalen im Alterturm

// Materialen zur Vergleichenden Archaologie. Bd 50. - Mainz. - 1992. - S.46-87. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Kovalev A. Die altesten Stelen am Ertix (Das Kulturphanomen Xemirxek)

// Eurasia Antiqua. Zeitschrift fur Archaologie Eurasiens. - Bd.5. - 1999. - S.135-178. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Kovalev A. Discowery of New Cultures of the Bronze Age in Mongolia (According to the data obtained by the International Central Asiatic Archaeological Expedition)

// Сб. на китайском яз. 2008. - С.343-370 [текст англ. яз., иллюстрации]. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Kovalev A. Uberlegungen zur Herkunft der Skythen aufgrund archaologischen Daten

// Eurasia Antiqua. Zeitschrift fur Archaologie Eurasiens. - Bd.4. - 1998. - S.247-271. [Даны немецкий и русский тексты]. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Kroeber, A.L. (1876-1960)

Kroeber-Quinn, Theodora (1897-1979)

Krogman, Wilton M. (1903-1987)

Kromer B, Manning S.W, Kuniholm P.I., Newton M.W, Spurk M., Levin I. Regional14CO2 Offsets in the Troposphere: Magnitude, Mechanisms, and Consequences

// Science. - Vol.294. - 2001.

Kuniholm P.I. Archaeological dendrochronology

// Dendrochronologia. - Vol.20/1-2. - 2002

Kuniholm P.I. Dendrochronological Investigations at Herculaneum and Pompeii

// 2005

Kuniholm P.I. Forestation in Anatolia

// The Archaeology of Anatolia: an Encyclopedia. - Bilkent. - 1994

Kuniholm P.I. Scientific Chronology in Anatolian Archaeology

// The Archaeology of Anatolia: an Encyclopedia. - Bilkent. - 1998

Kuniholm P.I., Newton M.W., Griggs C.B., Sullivan P.J. Dendrochronological Dating in Anatolia: The Second Millennium B.C.

// Anatolian Metal III. - Bochum. - 2005

Kunnemann W. Jastorf - Geshichte und Inhalt eines archaologischen Kulturbegriffs

// Die Kunde. - N.F. - 46. - 1995. - S.61-122. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Kuz'min S. Ladoga, le premier centre proto-urbain Russe

// Les centres proto-urbains russes entre Scandinavie, Bysance et Orient. Oaris 2000. P.123-142. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf

Kuzmin Y.V., Jul A.J.T., Lapshina Z.S., Medvedev V.E. Radiocarbon AMS dating of the ancient sites with earliest pottery from the Russian Far East

// 1997

[Klejn L.S.] It’s difficult to be Klejn. An Autobiography in monologues and dialogues by Leo S. Klejn (Prospect-Abstract)

Nestor-Istoriya, St. Petesrburg, 2010, in Russian. Abstract and Contents. Russian version

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