Алфавитный список публикацийВы находитесь: Археология.PУ / / БИБЛИОТЕКА on-line Алфавитный список публикацийКириллица: А | Б | В | Г | Д | Е | Ж | З | И | К | Л | М | Н | О | П | Р | С | Т | У | Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш | Щ | Э | Ю | ЯЛатиница: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | ZWagley, Charles Walter (1913-1991)Waldalgesheim// The addendum to the celtic chieftain's grave contains an attempt to reconstruct the find history of a LBA necklace consisting of golden "sun discs" Waldeck, Jean Frederick (1766-1875)Waldren W.H. Evidence of Iberian Bronze Age Boquique Pottery in the Balearic Islands// Статья Wall-paintings of Thera// International symposium, abstracts Wallace, Alfred Russel (1823-1913)Wallis, Ruth Sawtell (1895-1978)Wanzek B. Zur Syntax der Muster auf Griffzungensicheln im bronzezeitlichen Südosteuropa// European Arcaeology Online Wardle K.A. Assiros Excavation at the Bronze and Iron Age site of Assiros Toumba in Central Macedonia// conducted by K.A. Wardle between 1975 and 1989 Warmington, Hannah Marie (1914-1994)Warner, William Lloyd (1898-1970)Washburn, Sherwood (1911- 2002)Washburn, Wilcomb (1915-1997)Wason P.K. Messages from the Monuments - How Neolithic Monuments Communicate About Religion and Status// "When we look at messages from monuments in this way, we sometimes discover that different conclusions, originally proposed as alternatives, are instead quite compatible with each other. To illustrate, I will use the monuments of the Avebury group in Wiltshire, England as a space-time focal point for synthesizing several theoretical perspectives (with the Irish Passage Tombs of Newgrange, Knowth, Dowth and a few other sites for support)." Wasson, Robert Gordon (1898-1986)Waterman, Richard (1914-1971)Wedel, Waldo (1908-1996)Weiner, Annette (1933-1997)Weismann, Elizabeth Wilder (1907-1989)Wenzler J.K. Die vorgeschichtliche Höhensiedlung Spiez-'Bürg', Kanton Bern: eine Auswertung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der bronzezeitlichen Gefäßkeramik// PhD thesis, abstract and complete text (pdf file) Werneck H., Hofmann E. Sammelfrüchte und Getreidebau aus der Bronzezeit zu Traun bei Linz// Naturkundliches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz. - 1956. - S.7-11 (pdf file) Wessex Archaeology// Projekte zur Bronzezeit, u.a. Amesbury Archer, Testwood Lakes, Boscombe Bowmen und mehr Westcott A. Grimspound// A study of a bronze age settlement on Dartmoor, South-West England Wharram Percy: A Lost Medieval Village"Wharram Percy, located in Yorkshire, has been occupied by humans since the Iron Age. Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Normans - all have lived out their lives in this high-wold village. As an archeological site, it was one of the most important peasant digs in England. Here you will see St. Martin's parish church, peasant house sites, and the Norman manor house." Wheat, Joe Ben (1916-1997)Wheat, Margaret (1908-1988)Wheeler, Mortimer (Robert Eric) (1890-1976)White, Leslie (1900-1975)Whiting, Alfred Frank (1912-1978)Whiting, John W.M. (1908-1999)Whorf, Benjamin (1897-1941)Wiener M.H. Wiggles Worth Watching - Making Radiocarbon Work: The Case of Chatal Hoyuk// Studies in Aegean Archaeology. - 1999 Wigley T.M.L., Kelly P.M. Holocene climatic change, 14C wiggles and variations in solar irradiance// 1990 Wilford, Lloyd (1892 - ?)Willard F. Libby// Nobel Prize website, биография. William Henry Holmes// Smithsonian Institution, биография. Williams S. Marx is the Name, Treasure's the Game// UNESCO Sources. - February 1997. "Bob Marx, the world’s most successful treasure hunter, is a man marine archaeologists love to hate: a reason in his own right, they would say, for a convention protecting underwater heritage. Williams, Raymond (1921-1988)Wilson, Monica (1908-1982)Wiltshire Barrows// Short description of the different barrow complexes (incl. list) Wiltshire Heritage Museum// Virtual presentation of Bronze Age finds including Bush Barrow and Upton Lovell Windows on the Past// A review of the first 20 years of discovery by Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust in Wales Winkelman I. (1717-1768)Wintle A.G. Luminiscence dating: laboratory procedures and protocols// Pergamon. - Vol.27. - №5-6. - 1997 Wissler, Clark David (1870-1947)Witt Constanze. Barbarian on the Greek Periphery: Origin of Celtic Art"A Dissertation presented to the Graduate Faculty of the University of Virginia in Candidacy for the Degree of McIntire Department of Art University of Virginia May 1997 Doctor of Philosophy. This dissertation will examine the material evidence for the great stylistic change that took place in 5th century Celtic art, the highly complex and distinctive cultures that produced it, and their relationships with the Mediterranean." Текст и библиография on-line. Wittfogel, Karl August (1896-1988)Witthoft, John Gerard (1921-1993)Wolagiewicz R. Die Goten im Bereich der Wielbark-Kultur// Archaeologia Baltica. - 1986. - T.VII. - S.63-98. Скачать (22 Мб) Wolagiewicz R. Lubowidz. Ein Birituelles Graberfeld der Wielbark-KulturKrakow. - 1995. Скачать (67 Мб) Wood J. Bunsen burners or cheese moulds?// Current Archaeology. - No191. Wood J. Reconstructing life in the Bronze Age// British Archaeology. - 6. - 1995. Experimental settlement near Truro, Cornwall. Woolley, Leonard (1880-1960)Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen (1821-1885)Worth, Sol (1922-1977)www.celtic.ru"Вы вошли в портал www.celtic.ru. Отсюда Вы сможете попасть на русскоязычные ресурсы так или иначе связанные с культурой, традициями или историей кельтов, а также, узнать как обстоят дела с кельтской музыкой в России."
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